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#376 2012-07-15 03:51:58

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Hello, world

This is a creepypasta based on a plot I had for a RPG which didn't get the kickstart it needed. Meh, I forgot the names anyway.

Solomon University was in deep debt, it had already made recent cutbacks (the music department and renting out the relaxation space). The students all knew what this meant for them. Departure. One by one these departments would go, and fees would be rocket-high. Then no-one could afford them, and what they could afford, wouldn't be worth it. The place was once the jewel of the society of universities. It equalled Oxford and Yale, Ivy League and Cambridge, but most of all... it was rich.

How it lost so much isn't known, or how it fell from top to bottom. But one place still stays strong, the robotics laboratory. It is tutored by Prof. G. Mason. Mason was a small, old professor, but his faith and determination was what kept his job. He would always smile through the failures, the successes-for-a-minute and most of all, his students. He never was an enemy, but he was a neutral to both sides.

He had a mastermind pupil; John Fairview. This would be his last year, before graduating. But one day, as he came into class, he was greeted by a sad Mason,
"They are announcing more lay-offs, this time," he said with a tear running down his cheek, "it's m-m-me." John felt empathy for him, he only thought of him as his teacher, but as those words echoed in his head, he remembered all the nice things about him.

He too, started to cry. Obviously, when Lola came in (another pupil of Mason), it was an awkward moment seeing the always-cheerful Prof. Mason and the always-strong John crying together. Mason noticed her, sniffled away his tears and began his last lesson. A silence was in the lesson, maybe because Mason never smiled one bit, or that horrible things were going to happen.

XXO1 stared at the trio, thinking. XXO1 was Prof. Mason's only finished, completed, successful and most of all, neutral robot. He wasn't a rebel, neither a follower, he would just stare and greet everyone, offering them champagne (which the school never provided anymore). It had a small, red, steel body and two oversized eyes. It could smile and frown, but only to copy Mason. He didn't have feelings.

Or empathy. Until that day. For when Mason finally smiled, XXO1 was still frowning.  John was the first to point it out, he knew XXO1's characteristics by heart. Mason said that he'd have a look at the problem whilst the other two took a break. John sat down in what was left of the relaxation space when a gang of thuggish students ganged up on him.

"Yo robot dork, why don't you study manlier subjects like P.E or science?" the leader grunted, John simply scooted away from them as if they were a bad sight. Then the blow came,
"1, 2, 3, 5. Let's see how long you stay alive!" they chanted as they punched him frequently. XXO1 watched as Mason slowly went to get his robotics kit.

He flew through the window as Mason came back,
"XXO1, what are you doing?" He knew then. XXO1 was fighting back. He charged and headbutted them and threw them about (he was stronger than he looked). Everyone surrounding them, who at first were quiet and desalinate, were screaming and shouting at the violence.

The next thing they knew, XXO1 was being smelted by the metalworks and the thugs and John were outside the principals office. With Prof. Mason. You could hear him roar with anger at the little man, as if he hadn't had a worse day. Then John and Prof. Mason came into the robotics once last time, together. It was an emotional moment. As Mason was cleaning up John's wounds, he had an idea.

"How would you like to try one more time, for old time's sake?" Mason suggested as he dabbed the last of the blood.
"Yes," John mumbled, despite his swollen lip and a lost tooth. And so, the duo worked whilst Lola gave them cups of coffee from the coffee machine nearby and worked into the night. Once the last wire was hooked in, XXO2 was ready.

He could do (approximately) 90 more tasks than XXO1, but couldn't speak, yet. Mason planned on an update. He was hoping that this could get him his job back, as well as give funds for the university. Him and John had finished it as dawn broke. Champagne was toasted that Saturday, as well as a long sleep.

On Monday, after an uneventful Sunday, they entered the principal's office together, with XXO2 keeping up. When they knocked on the door, they were welcomed by the repo men.
"Sorry sir, this place went bankrupt on Friday evening. Is this robot uni property?" one of them said,
"No, we made this ourselves," John said.

What were they going to do with XXO2? He had no purpose now, John was going to be relocated to California on Friday, and Mason still didn't have a job.
"Maybe we could show this to an electronics show, who knows what bidders we could find there!" John suggested, looking at a poster. They shouldn't have done that.

XXO2 was in the middle of the venue amongst all the blenders. He watched endless blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending... for 5 hours.

Then, as Mason showed the last auctioneer XXO2, XXO2 snapped. His eyes glowed red and he went on a blender rampage. He stole all the blenders and made a run for it. He ran faster than the police squad combined. But not faster than a bullet, which hit his neutraliser.

He stopped, and dropped his blenders. The police caught up, and XXO2 started to punch them, as XXO1 did to the police. He then ran to the water supply and cut it off. For days there was no water. Everyone couldn't escape either, without the police (XXO2 killed them all) then the border wasn't crossable. Everyone slowly died of thirst, and once Mason was gone, John started to see things.

XXO2 would watch him. Anywhere, behind his back. John would know his presence, but he could never see him. And as his personal supply ran low, he was desperate to see XXO2 one last time. He would draw XXO2 all over the town (because of his personal supply, he still lived) and write, 'Can you see me?'

XXO2 did see him. When he killed himself.



#377 2012-07-15 07:57:38

Registered: 2010-01-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

Wickimen wrote:

Looks weird, though not creepy in the slightest

Well, if you were 3 years old and you were shoved right smack up against it and it was twice your size and it started blabbering in a deep, loud voice, you'd be scared, right?

I wouldn't be scared, i would be TERRIFIED.



#378 2012-07-15 10:38:50

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Animeboy975 wrote:

samid11 wrote:

Wickimen wrote:

Looks weird, though not creepy in the slightest

Well, if you were 3 years old and you were shoved right smack up against it and it was twice your size and it started blabbering in a deep, loud voice, you'd be scared, right?

I wouldn't be scared, i would be TERRIFIED.

My point exactly.

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#379 2012-07-15 12:23:31

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

Animeboy975 wrote:

samid11 wrote:

Well, if you were 3 years old and you were shoved right smack up against it and it was twice your size and it started blabbering in a deep, loud voice, you'd be scared, right?

I wouldn't be scared, i would be TERRIFIED.

My point exactly.

Yeah but I'm not three years old




#380 2012-07-15 14:06:24

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Has anyone read Hello, world yet?



#381 2012-07-15 15:09:23

Registered: 2008-03-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Tensor GT-S Chpt1-2

Back in the 50s-80s there were about a trillion British car makes, including Tensor. Searching for them on the internet comes up with nothing at all.

You see, they only existed for 6 months in 1974 before they went bust and vanished. But not before 6 GT-S sport cars were made in Jan-June and as far as I know, none exist.

I'm a petrolhead and as is my friend. He saw a review in a newspaper saying "It was like it drove itself."

...and this is why I'm searching for one, or at least a wreck of it. My friend tells me it looks like the Hyperion in a Burnout game. After a quick Internet search I found a site about what happened to one and the preview said "One GT-S was being driven when it skidded suddenly and hit a lamppost. The occupants survived but the car didn't and..." I needed to know more so I clicked the link. It wasn't a website about the Tensor. It was a black backround with red text saying "I'm sorry Jamie, I can't let you do that." and after 3 seconds the window closed. 3 seconds later the entire PC crashed and a "blue screen" opened saying "THIS ISN'T JUST A CAR.

Then all my electrics turned off - all the ones in the mains at least. I opened my phone and the lockscreen.

And then that shut off. I'm sketching this on a notepad then, at least reach that/quote]


It did.
It DID reach the 'pad and now it's gone without trace. Three pages of work on the Tensor mystery and it's reduced to nothing. Scratched on a window was a message "No, no Tensor". It's creeping me out!

Anyway, my mystery. I was contacted by my friend tellin me there was a barn with a GT-S wreck. I walked up to this and by coincidence it rained. About a mile up the road there was the barn welded shut, but rusted doors. I broke then hinge on one side and it opened with a snap from the other hinges.

There were loads of cars in the barn! Old Lamborghinis, hotrods, loads. I looked around and struck luck. A GT-S! Wrecked, and then rusted lay there, dusty. I pulled my camera out my pocket when the door of the barn swung shut.
I turned on the camera and put it on the menu. I had battery save off. The menu was the only light in the whole barn. I knew something else was with me, but where...?

My Newest Project!
Ceta? wat r u doin? CETA! STAHP!



#382 2012-07-15 20:35:10

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#383 2012-07-16 09:38:19

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#384 2012-07-16 09:40:33

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:


hello what



#385 2012-07-16 09:51:24

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

This forum died, but I shall resurrect it with the power of...


"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#386 2012-07-16 09:56:40

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

This forum died, but I shall resurrect it with the power of...


lol it was posted in just yesterday, i think a forum can only be considered "dead" after like a week or two



#387 2012-07-16 10:06:22

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

...It kept going off the "recent" list.

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#388 2012-07-16 10:16:42

Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

...It kept going off the "recent" list.

that doesnt mean its dead



#389 2012-07-16 10:56:03

Registered: 2009-08-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Boohoo no one posted for about 8 hours it's dead forever  tongue




#390 2012-07-16 13:07:54

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Wickimen wrote:

Boohoo no one posted for about 8 hours it's dead forever  tongue




#391 2012-07-16 13:46:20

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 100+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Alright, I'm going to make another XD The first one was so fun to write.
Also, guys, I'm gonna make a project about Jeff soon :3 But he's gonna be 'good' in it
It was 1912. A man untied his boat and sailed out into the ocean, a compass in his hand. He was trying to find the so-called 'Titanic', a ship that had been claimed unsinkable. It had just launched that morning, and they had had no problems, but the man had still been called out to sea to try to find the ship so he would be ready for a problem at any moment. You see, this man was the ship's 'handyman'. He was responsible for repairing any damage on the ship and making sure everything was operating. At first, he had been kept at the docks so he wouldn't have to waste time if there were no problems, but later that day they told him to go out and be there for the ship.
Little did he know what he was in for.
(How is it so far?  big_smile  I tried to base it on a real event, the Titanic.) oh simon <3



#392 2012-07-16 21:43:38

Registered: 2012-07-16
Posts: 42

Re: User-made Scary Stories

samid11 wrote:

Lizzy sat in the corner, crying.

It had been only minutes after the attack.

She was traumatized.

It was a bright summer's morning. She was going to head over to her friend Nicole's house. It was like any other day. They usually sat and played for a while, ate lunch, then Lizzy would head home. On the way to Nicole's house was a thick patch of woods. She usually avoided them, but occasionaly she'd go through them as a shortcut.

Today, however, she would make the mistake of her life going through them.

She hopped onto her trike and started off. Lizzy was about 5 years old, and Nicole didn't live very far, so her mother watched her ride off untill she reached the fork in the road where the woods and the sidewalk met. There, she usually assumed that Nicole's mother would be watching from there. Today, however, she was not. Lizzy reached the fork and called out for her friend. "Nicole! I'm almost there!"

Nicole's voice rang back. "Ok! Can you come through the woods this time? I'm playing at the end of them."

"Sure!" Lizzy replied. She peddled faster and headed into the woods. All around, the sounds of nature chimed in her ears. Maybe these woods weren't so bad.

They weren't so bad.

They were worse.

Lizzy felt her trike stop. She looked down. There was a black vine tangled in one of the wheels. She hopped off and began to pull at it.

Faster than a rattlesnake, it shot up and siezed her arm. She screamed and wailed as several more vines coiled around her. She was raised upwards into the air. She tried to move, all of her muscles protesting. Tears dripped from her glassy eyes. She stared in horror at what the vines were connected to.

Standing among the misty trees was a man. However, this was no ordinary man. He stood a good ten feet tall, and he was dressed in a black tuxedo. Observing him more, she noticed that he completely lacked a face. Just a pale, blank head. She squealed.

The man-like being stared at her curiously, holding her with it's extra appendages. It tilted it's head in a manor as if it were confused. She trembled like a leaf in a windstorm. Slowly, it began to pull her closer to it's face.

Nicole sprang from the bushes behind it. "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!!! GET BACK!!" Nicole swiped at the beast with her arms. In shock, it dropped Lizzy to the ground and turned to face Nicole. Lizzy scuttled backwards like a crab untill she reached the safety of the bushes. She watched in terror at the horrid scene that followed.

The creature snatched Nicole up as he had done to Lizzy. Nicole struggled, but she couldn't get free. It pulled Nicole closer untill she was nearly pressed against it's featureless face.

What happenned next left Lizzy traumatized.

The beast raised up it's two main arms and placed it's bony hands over it's own chin. Slowly, it dug it's nails into the flesh on it's face, eventually pulling apart the skin to reveal a gaping, black, jagged maw. It opened it's now-revealed mouth wide enough to stick a tree trunk inside. Nicole squealed in terror as the behemoth shoved her inside, ingesting the poor child in a matter of seconds.

Lizzy stared wide-eyed at the horrid thing that had gobbled up her friend. It stood for a moment before making a soft, happy sounding murmur. With that settled, it twisted it's body into a tree like shape before blending in with the woods altogether. It carefully reached it's hand down and rested it on it's full stomach.

Lizzy ran. She screamed the whole way. Immidiately, she bolted to her mother and told her the whole thing, her mother looking confused throughout the tale.

Lizzy now sat in a padded room, muttering to herself crazily.

"It should've been me, Nicole... It should've been me..."

I hope you don't mind me posting A sequel to this, but i'm sure it's fine. Also, this is my first form post ever on any form on the internet.

Jon stared blankly at the street in front of him. He listened to the radio, but he wondered how exactly they other officers DO listen to it. It's the worst quality he's ever heard. And why was he hear, in this police car, on his first mission of being an officer of the law? It was because of some creep stealing children. But he shouldn't be mad at this, he had been getting pain days off for 2 weeks because they had no work for him, but he knew it was never gonna last forever.

"Here we are, the scene of the crime, Mr.detective." said officer smith. Jon exited the car and passed into the path of the forest. He passed under the police tape and onto the path. He stared at the surroundings for a second and then proclaimed "What the heck am i supposed to be seeing?!" "You're the detective" said smith. "You figure it out." Jon grumbled, and searched the surroundings one more time. It may have gust been luck, but he knew better. It had bean hungry. It could have been a tree, but for gust a second he noticed it... The tie. And then it was gone. He ran, jumping the police tape, and ran. He heard shouting from officer smith, but he ignored it and continued running.

He made a sharp turn at the sidewalk, and saw it again. He followed it about two more blocks into an abandoned building. In about two minuets, he understood what had happened. The thing was stalking him now. He cault several small glimpses of it as he attempted to excape. But it only lasted about 2 minuets. He was cornered, trapped between an open skyscraper bit and an open room. He turned to the open bit  and that's when he got a good look at the thing. It was 10-12 feet tall, and had black skin. It wore a tuxedo, but there was no way the thing was human.  But the most distinctive feature of it's being was it's face, or lack of. It had no face, no eyes or mouth. He had never seen anything so incredibly scary in his entire life. He upholstered his gun and fired 3 shots into the thing's body. The  shots passed through it's body as if the black mass of it's body were mist. He backed up into the wall, knowing it would be they end.

A sound. Only what. From the top of the sky scraped, about 10-15 feet up. Both him and the thing looked. It was the size of a normal human, and was greyish. He could barely see the outline of the things fussy insect like wings from the dim light of it's bright red eyes. It stared into the things soul like the night and day at war. He knew the winged monster, a simple word that he had heard many times whispered in his ear not only 5. Moth man.

It's not vary good, but I vary much like the consent of mothman VS slenderman. Leave feedback please, for my first ever forms post anywhere!



#393 2012-07-16 21:57:36

Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Hey guys, I saw Slenderman on Nationstates.

It showed him with his limbs stretched out. And there was a window with closed blinds in the background. I assume the Slendy in the picture was a puppet.

Last edited by Garr8 (2012-07-16 22:09:40)

What I scored on Pokemon Quiz: Porygon



#394 2012-07-17 00:16:36

Registered: 2008-12-13
Posts: 500+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Zbugni_Junk wrote:

I tried, I really did, but I could only make two sentences XD
It was about a guy exploring an abandoned urban area
and it's disgusting

I looked down towards the floor and my gaze was met by the hollowed-out shell of a dead rat, its remains plastered to the floor with a layer of dark grime.  My eyes cautiously drifted up and to the refrigerator, its door wide open, and I thanked all that was holy that the smell of whatever rotten food was inside had probably all drifted out through the gaping hole in the wall.

that's my charitable organization



#395 2012-07-17 02:50:32

Registered: 2010-01-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

NeilWest wrote:

Hello, world

This is a creepypasta based on a plot I had for a RPG which didn't get the kickstart it needed. Meh, I forgot the names anyway.

Solomon University was in deep debt, it had already made recent cutbacks (the music department and renting out the relaxation space). The students all knew what this meant for them. Departure. One by one these departments would go, and fees would be rocket-high. Then no-one could afford them, and what they could afford, wouldn't be worth it. The place was once the jewel of the society of universities. It equalled Oxford and Yale, Ivy League and Cambridge, but most of all... it was rich.

How it lost so much isn't known, or how it fell from top to bottom. But one place still stays strong, the robotics laboratory. It is tutored by Prof. G. Mason. Mason was a small, old professor, but his faith and determination was what kept his job. He would always smile through the failures, the successes-for-a-minute and most of all, his students. He never was an enemy, but he was a neutral to both sides.

He had a mastermind pupil; John Fairview. This would be his last year, before graduating. But one day, as he came into class, he was greeted by a sad Mason,
"They are announcing more lay-offs, this time," he said with a tear running down his cheek, "it's m-m-me." John felt empathy for him, he only thought of him as his teacher, but as those words echoed in his head, he remembered all the nice things about him.

He too, started to cry. Obviously, when Lola came in (another pupil of Mason), it was an awkward moment seeing the always-cheerful Prof. Mason and the always-strong John crying together. Mason noticed her, sniffled away his tears and began his last lesson. A silence was in the lesson, maybe because Mason never smiled one bit, or that horrible things were going to happen.

XXO1 stared at the trio, thinking. XXO1 was Prof. Mason's only finished, completed, successful and most of all, neutral robot. He wasn't a rebel, neither a follower, he would just stare and greet everyone, offering them champagne (which the school never provided anymore). It had a small, red, steel body and two oversized eyes. It could smile and frown, but only to copy Mason. He didn't have feelings.

Or empathy. Until that day. For when Mason finally smiled, XXO1 was still frowning.  John was the first to point it out, he knew XXO1's characteristics by heart. Mason said that he'd have a look at the problem whilst the other two took a break. John sat down in what was left of the relaxation space when a gang of thuggish students ganged up on him.

"Yo robot dork, why don't you study manlier subjects like P.E or science?" the leader grunted, John simply scooted away from them as if they were a bad sight. Then the blow came,
"1, 2, 3, 5. Let's see how long you stay alive!" they chanted as they punched him frequently. XXO1 watched as Mason slowly went to get his robotics kit.

He flew through the window as Mason came back,
"XXO1, what are you doing?" He knew then. XXO1 was fighting back. He charged and headbutted them and threw them about (he was stronger than he looked). Everyone surrounding them, who at first were quiet and desalinate, were screaming and shouting at the violence.

The next thing they knew, XXO1 was being smelted by the metalworks and the thugs and John were outside the principals office. With Prof. Mason. You could hear him roar with anger at the little man, as if he hadn't had a worse day. Then John and Prof. Mason came into the robotics once last time, together. It was an emotional moment. As Mason was cleaning up John's wounds, he had an idea.

"How would you like to try one more time, for old time's sake?" Mason suggested as he dabbed the last of the blood.
"Yes," John mumbled, despite his swollen lip and a lost tooth. And so, the duo worked whilst Lola gave them cups of coffee from the coffee machine nearby and worked into the night. Once the last wire was hooked in, XXO2 was ready.

He could do (approximately) 90 more tasks than XXO1, but couldn't speak, yet. Mason planned on an update. He was hoping that this could get him his job back, as well as give funds for the university. Him and John had finished it as dawn broke. Champagne was toasted that Saturday, as well as a long sleep.

On Monday, after an uneventful Sunday, they entered the principal's office together, with XXO2 keeping up. When they knocked on the door, they were welcomed by the repo men.
"Sorry sir, this place went bankrupt on Friday evening. Is this robot uni property?" one of them said,
"No, we made this ourselves," John said.

What were they going to do with XXO2? He had no purpose now, John was going to be relocated to California on Friday, and Mason still didn't have a job.
"Maybe we could show this to an electronics show, who knows what bidders we could find there!" John suggested, looking at a poster. They shouldn't have done that.

XXO2 was in the middle of the venue amongst all the blenders. He watched endless blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending, and blending... for 5 hours.

Then, as Mason showed the last auctioneer XXO2, XXO2 snapped. His eyes glowed red and he went on a blender rampage. He stole all the blenders and made a run for it. He ran faster than the police squad combined. But not faster than the bullet, the one which hit his neutraliser.

He stopped, and dropped his blenders. The police caught up, and XXO2 started to punch them, as XXO1 did to the police. He then ran to the water supply and cut it off. For days there was no water. Everyone couldn't escape either, without the police (XXO2 killed them all) then the border wasn't crossable. Everyone slowly died of thirst, and once Mason was gone, John started to see things.

XXO2 would watch him. Anywhere, behind his back. John would know his presence, but he could never see him. And as his personal supply ran low, he was desperate to see XXO2 one last time. He would draw XXO2 all over the town (because of his personal supply, he still lived) and write, 'Can you see me?'

XXO2 did see him. When he killed himself.

Tryin' to get some publicity.



#396 2012-07-17 07:00:42

Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I have seen Slenderman on NationStates.

What I scored on Pokemon Quiz: Porygon



#397 2012-07-17 07:18:52

Registered: 2011-11-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

Garr8 wrote:

I have seen Slenderman on NationStates.

49000th post in TiMaC.;display=small



#398 2012-07-17 07:58:00

Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

SciTecCf wrote:

Garr8 wrote:

I have seen Slenderman on NationStates.

49000th post in TiMaC.

Someone posted an image of him on the forums.

What if he had his own NS account?

What I scored on Pokemon Quiz: Porygon



#399 2012-07-17 08:09:10

Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

There should be a creepypasta about a song.

"One person's craziness is another person's reality" - Tim Burton



#400 2012-07-17 08:38:03

Registered: 2011-08-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: User-made Scary Stories

I made my own creepy pasta 3 minutes ago on NationStates. I will copy and paste it onto here. It is partially inspired by that ghost lady who looks for her children along the Rio Grande. I do not remember her name. Wasn't Winona, or something like that?

What I scored on Pokemon Quiz: Porygon



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