Do you mean in Scratch? What aspects do you not understand? Or do you know nothing about it whatsoever?
Well programming languages would involve the manipulation of string data.
the problem is no way can you make one if you have no idea what you want. do you want the user to create simple things or complex things? also, is there any need in using a simple programming software to create a simple programming software?
btw nice idea IF scratch would be advanced enough to handle enough code
Borrego6165 wrote:
the problem is no way can you make one if you have no idea what you want. do you want the user to create simple things or complex things? also, is there any need in using a simple programming software to create a simple programming software?
btw nice idea IF scratch would be advanced enough to handle enough code
It can, you can assign keywords etc to programming blocks, I'll try to do some now:
If it was expanded this would allow a statement "if 5 > 3" and return true. It's just hard workiterative program to separate a line into individual wordsifwords ▼containsif?ifitem=3 ▼ofwords ▼=setmode ▼toequalsif)>item=3 ▼ofwords ▼scratchblocks wont let this line go properlysetmode ▼togreaterthanetcsetfirst value ▼toitem2 ▼ofwords ▼setsecond value ▼toitem4 ▼ofwords ▼ifmode=equalsiffirst value=second valuesetanswer ▼to1elsesetanswer ▼to0etc for the other functions
Last edited by zammer990 (2012-07-16 14:04:26)