I am willing to do more reviews!
This is what you will be scored on:
Scripting (25)
Playability (10)
Graphics (5)
Idea (10)
I really don't care about sound as much.
Project link:
Type of project:
Focus of project:
I can only do 2 or 3 a week, so please don't post if you already see 2 or 3 posts from the past week.
I WILL be honest about my opinion, so do not be hurt about the rating I give.
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-07-18 14:10:19)
Here, ill be the first.
Type of project: game
Focus of project: Um, I dont exactly know what you mean. The focus is to abduct animals?
Hmm... I've never had a project reviewed by someone before, so new experience. Anyway,
Link: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Molybdenum/2660843
Type of project: Game/New concept
Focus of project: To demonstrate comment multiplayer using a simple game.
HEY! KATZISC OUTPOSTED ME! I was writing my post whne he/she posted! Wait, he/she didn't use the right format, does that mean he/she doesn't count? JK
Project link: Space Adventures
Type of project: Space shooter game
Focus of project: Fun, shooting aliens, spaceships and robots, then destroying the boss.
Scripting: 23/25: If you stay up top, you never get hit
Playability: 9/10: I generally look for instructions on stage
Graphics: 5/5:Amazing
Idea: 10/10
Overall: 47/50
Great game!
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-07-16 13:57:48)
Scripting: 20/25: No apparent movement, game starts instantly
Playability: 3/10: No idea what to do.
Graphics: 4/5
Idea: 8/10: Your basic shooting game
Overall: 35/50: An OK game.
Scripting: 25/25
Playability: 7/10: Didn't give you what the letters meant
Graphics: 5/5: N/A
Idea: 10/10: Original
Overall: 47/50: An interesting project, focusing on the idea more than playing.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Scripting: 25/25
Playability: 7/10: Didn't give you what the letters meant
Graphics: 5/5: N/A
Idea: 10/10: Original
Overall: 47/50: An interesting project, focusing on the idea more than playing.
You aren't supposed to know what the letters do, its just for compression. Its like saying "in my program x does y, procedure q does s if y is true..." Anyway, thanks.
Scripting: 15/25: Glitchy
Playability: 4/10: I had no idea what do do aside from move and shoot; levels never changed
Graphics: 3/5
Idea: 6/10: Another shooter...
Overall: 28/50: No comment
Firedrake969 wrote:
Scripting: 15/25: Glitchy
Playability: 4/10: I had no idea what do do aside from move and shoot; levels never changed
Graphics: 3/5
Idea: 6/10: Another shooter...
Overall: 28/50: No comment
What? Levels do change? First you are on ground, then there is scrolling you are flying in spaceship, then you look from top, that's a change in levels. And something without any graphics got 5/5 and I got 3/5 that doesn't make sense
Last edited by marcin388 (2012-07-16 16:07:43)
marcin388 wrote:
And something without any graphics got 5/5 and I got 3/5 that doesn't make sense
Firedrake969 wrote:
Graphics: 5/5: N/A
Overall: 47/50: An interesting project, focusing on the idea more than playing.
The point wasn't the pictures or whatever, we're talking about, it was the idea.
katzisc wrote:
Molybdenum wrote:
HEY! KATZISC OUTPOSTED ME! I was writing my post whne he/she posted! Wait, he/she didn't use the right format, does that mean he/she doesn't count? JK
that's bad? D:
Outpost = Hard to sort out, I spent a while trying to fix my forum because of one.
Format = Depends on what the reviewer/owner (in this case Firedrake969) thinks/says.
marcin388 wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Scripting: 15/25: Glitchy
Playability: 4/10: I had no idea what do do aside from move and shoot; levels never changed
Graphics: 3/5
Idea: 6/10: Another shooter...
Overall: 28/50: No commentWhat? Levels do change? First you are on ground, then there is scrolling you are flying in spaceship, then you look from top, that's a change in levels. And something without any graphics got 5/5 and I got 3/5 that doesn't make sense
The levels didn't change. And the other game's focus was not graphics. Your's was, and they weren't that good, so that's why you got 3/5.
Can you review this please? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/calebxy/2479808
Scripting: 20/25: Some glitches
Playability: 7/10: Bosses fire too fast, you move to slowly to dodge, there are three sets of buttons to press
Graphics: 2/5
Idea: 7/10
Overall: 36/50
Thank you very much for the quick review. Could you do this one as well please: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/calebxy/1224903
Scripting: 20/25: If i hold down keys before the game starts, it can cross paths.
Playability: 6/10: No idea how the other ball moves
Graphics: 2/5: Simple
Idea: 8/10: Original
Overall: 36/50
Last edited by Firedrake969 (2012-07-20 14:04:21)
Why don't you review the other game I linked to?