Ive previously removed my projects to work on something BIG. But i have no ideas.
Any help scratch community?
Fishstick4242 wrote:
Ive previously removed my projects to work on something BIG. But i have no ideas.
Any help scratch community?
What kinds of things/projects do you enjoy doing/making? I find that if I enjoy the things/projects that I do/make, I stay inspired to do keep doing/making them. If you want to try (making) something new, that you/nobody else have done, than you'll have to search for various genres of projects that you may want to make something in, and then by using the process of elimination, find the kind that best suits you.
If you want a specific idea, I think an RPG or a "Civilization" type of game would be great, as they both are generally 'BIG'.
How about a puzzle/action game? You could be armed with a nega gun, that makes everything turn into the opposite of what it should be. Fire would become water, good would become evil, items that make you larger become items that make you smaller...