Anyone play it? It is a great freemium game that is a fighter pilot simulator. My Game Center name is Firedrake969.
when gf clicked repeat until <(timer) > [10]> go to [mouse-pointer v] end think [bump] for (3) secs
What level are you? I'm level 27 with a D-21 Falcon, AIM-120 RAAMS and a Banshee. I pwn.
I play metalstorm and i like it. Im a level 22 with a lot of planes, but I mostly use my F-7 wraith and the D-7 wartusk. One thing I dont like is how they take real planes and just rename them. I think that lockheed and northrop grumman should sue them for that. I still love the game though.
Now I'm level 31 with RAAMs, Banshee, and still D-21 falcon. My SR is 1002.