Hello, I am Garr8. I have been hanging around the forums alot these days, but I want to do it less and make more projects instead. The thing is, I am not very good at scripting, so I usually get on here to chat cause I had nothing else to do. Anyway, on topic.
I am working on a war game set in the Stone Age, but I have some trouble with scripts. I got the caveman to go into the enemy cave as I wanted, but he zooms by at lightning speed. I want him to walk slowly towards it.
I will post my current script for the caveman sprite if you want.
Even without the script, I can probably help.
If you're using "glide" then increase the time in the glide block.
if you have a script like this:
use this insteadrepeat10move5steps
owlman wrote:
If your doing 'move (amount of steps) steps', try doing one step, using the repeat block and putting a 0.1 second wait in between.
Don't need that wait, flow control blocks in scratch already have one built in