So, I did something like this:
when gf clicked hide forever clear if <<key [left arrow v] pressed?> and <(scrollx) < (0)>> change [scrollx v] by (1) end if <<key [right arrow v] pressed?> and <(scrollx) < (960)>> change [scrollx v] by (-1) end switch to costume [costume1 v] if <(scrollx) < (-480)> go to x: (scrollx) y: (0) stamp end switch to costume [costume2 v] if <<(scrollx) < (0)> and <(scrollx) > (-960)>> go to x: ((scrollx) + ((480) * (1))) y: (0) stamp end switch to costume [costume3 v] if <(scrollx) > (-480)> go to x: ((scrollx) + ((480) * (2))) y: (0) stamp endIs there a way to do this with velocity and still keep the wall effect at -960 and 0?
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-07 19:50:59)
zammer990 wrote:
Yea, instead of changing scrollx directly, just change xvel, and then have a loop that changes scrollx by xvel
No! You don't get it! I know how to do that already! There is a wall effect at -960 and 0. Here: With velocities, the wall effect is out the window because of the decimals. I need a way to do it while keeping the wall effect.
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-07 19:59:17)
zammer990 wrote:
I just downloaded and tried it, i don't know what you think the problem is, I just changed scrollx for xvel and toned down the numbers to 1 and -1 and it worked fine.
Okay...could you upload it?
berberberber wrote:
zammer990 wrote:
I just downloaded and tried it, i don't know what you think the problem is, I just changed scrollx for xvel and toned down the numbers to 1 and -1 and it worked fine.
Okay...could you upload it?
It's not a very advanced change, but ok.
Last edited by zammer990 (2012-07-07 20:05:58)
Like I said, the wall effect. It's not all the way there.
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-07 20:08:56)