I've been learning the very basics of JavaScript recently and made this site, lyricipsum.tk.
It's a random filler text generator, like lorem ipsum text but in English.
What do you think of it?
Great idea! I've actually been looking for alternative's to the boring lorem ipsum.
Hm, interesting, but it rather defeats the point of lorem ipsum. The whole reason for lorem ipsum is so that you're not distracted by text. Still, I suppose it's nice.
I noticed the words "Insult tourists" in there.
sleek allusion vigil exempt intestine raw smear transparency; clean axiom coalescing fractured shade soup stammer, disobeyed.
"vegetarian popcorn"
Ha, nice site!
maxskywalker wrote:
Hm, interesting, but it rather defeats the point of lorem ipsum. The whole reason for lorem ipsum is so that you're not distracted by text. Still, I suppose it's nice.
I suppose that is true.
Last edited by trinary (2012-07-22 05:04:51)
Jackieee wrote:
That's really cool! I'll be sure to use this when I'm making placeholder text on web pages.
ProgrammingFreak wrote:
Great idea! I've actually been looking for alternative's to the boring lorem ipsum.
Thank you!