I need help on my latest project. It's a space game where you are a spaceship and there are enemy spaceships trying to kill you.
I've got the script for the enemy ship to point in the direction of the spaceship and fly towards it but it's not 100% glitch free and it doesn't look right at the moment. For example, sometimes instead of pointing at the player's ship the enemy ship will fly upwards, at 0 degrees.
I would really appreciate the help
It looks like you forgot to specify a sprite in the second (direction of [ ]) block in the first conditional of the enemy ship. If you set it to (direction of [Ship1_Dir]) it works decently. I'll keep working on a better solution.
Here is my first go at a fix: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/halfbak … oon/556050. I was tempted to work on it some more, but I won't unless you want me to.
fullmoon wrote:
Here is my first go at a fix: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/halfbak … oon/556050. I was tempted to work on it some more, but I won't unless you want me to.
Omg, it works peferctly! Thanks so much I didn't see any glitches in it atall.
I will add your name in the game's credits when it's released for ure great help
Thanks again.
fullmoon wrote:
Mozaz wrote:
I will add your name in the game's credits when it's released for ure great help
Thanks again.Aw, shucks, you don't have to do that. Happy I could help
One more thing, how can I make it so that the enemy ship recognises scrolling, because I'm not that great at trig.
I can upload another project with the scrolling background if you need it