Whenever I am working on a project and I save the project with an ( * ) in it,a window pops up saying that the save failed or something like that and it asks me whether i want to proceed, debug, or abandon, and when i go to the place on my computer where i saved it, the filename is tmp001.
Filenames should be limited to what the operating system comfortably supports.
As a general rule, using only letters, digits, underscore, and minus is safest, though both PCs and Macs will accept other characters. Transferring files with weird characters in them often causes problems.
I agree that scratch should prescreen the file names and tell you that it refuses to use "*" in filenames, rather than letting the OS mess up.
The thing is though, when I try to save with an * in the file name, the window that pops up is not from the operating system, it's within scratch. I believe it's some sort of window from squeak, as I'm pretty sure scratch was written with some sort of connection with squeak.
Yes. There are two aspects to the problem:
1) what workaround can you use? (avoid dangerous filenames)
2) what should the Scratch team do? (test for and prohibit dangerous filenames)