what do you mean by "creation thing"?
scratcher5000 wrote:
what do you mean by "creation thing"?
He means a project.
I've seen this before, he doesn't know how to use Scratch at all.
I suggest you read this.
Last edited by SciTecCf (2012-07-04 07:03:21)
Well, to make a question, you make 2 sprites. One is red and has the letter A on it, one is blue and has the letter B on it. Now make another 3 sprites. One has a question on it, and the other two are potential answers. Decide which one is right, which one is wrong.
Your script should look like this: (under the right answer sprite)
when right answer clicked say [You clicked the right answer]Now for the wrong answer sprite, you would do this:
when wrong answer clicked say [You clicked the wrong answer]Hope this helped
How to make a sprite move with the arrow keys:
when gf clicked forever if <key up arrow pressed> change y by (5) end if <key down arrow pressed> change y by (-5) end if <key right arrow pressed> change x by (5) end if <key left arrow pressed> change x by (-5) end endIf this doesn't help then try downloading other peoples' projects to see how they made theirs. If that doesn't help then there are some good walkthroughs on YouTube.
If you use this script:
when gf clicked ask [what's your name] if <(answer) = [scratch]> say [Mine Too!] else say <join [Hello] [(answer)]> end stop script
The sprite will ask What your name is. If the answer you get is scratch it will tell you that the sprite's name is also scratch. If else (Use the answer block It says hello.
sonicgames20 wrote:
If you use this script:
when gf clicked ask [what's your name?] and wait if <(answer) = [scratch cat]> say [Mine Too!] else say (join [Hello] (answer)) end
fixed (your) [scripts]
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-06 12:51:02)
JH1010 wrote:
How to make a sprite move with the arrow keys:
when gf clicked forever if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> change y by (5) end if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> change y by (-5) end if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> change x by (5) end if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> change x by (-5) end endIf this doesn't help then try downloading other peoples' projects to see how they made theirs. If that doesn't help then there are some good walkthroughs on YouTube.
fixed (your) [scripts]
Last edited by fg123 (2012-07-06 13:11:39)