so, its not a seperator, its a biner. lol.
Here are some more:
<{ pen color }>
<{ ghost effect ˇ }>
<if> (( <{ pen color }> <>> 50 ))
<set x to( <{ whirl effect ˇ }>
Last edited by music_man (2007-11-17 17:19:52)
good idea
you know what i think a usful command would be? PRINT!!!!!!!
kevin_karplus wrote:
MyRedNeptune claims that you can make sprite bigger than the screen. I don't believe that this is currently possible.
MyRedNeptune, can you put up a small project that has a sprite bigger than the screen?
it is possible! i made a tutorial how to make a sprite that is bigger than 480x360:
how about:
<touching[ sprite one?] Cancel script [one?]
MyRedNeptune wrote:
planetX wrote:
also, in the other topic about scratch blocks, this was suggusted: … sition.jpgThat's not just a new block, that's a whole new feature!
It is already possible-I'll tell you how later. I might even make a BYOB z-position block for ya. WITH the definition.
You should put this in advanced topics, there are some people there who can help you with those blocks
to make <i recieve[______]> you could do:
when i recieve[ move]
change [number] by [1]
forever if <[number]=[1]>
move 1 step
vgman20 wrote:
How about an "End" block? It would stop whatever the script was doing, but unlike the
<stop script>
block it would continue to check for if something's happening. Someimes with
<forever if>
I want something to happen, then stop after a while, but it keeps repeating! "END"
would be a helpful block.
[blocks][/blocks] [blocks][/blocks] You forgot the [blocks] brackets.
Last edited by zorket (2010-10-28 18:05:01)
<touching[ I would like a
Unnecessary bumping of a thread from 2007 just happened.
Last edited by ihaveamac (2011-06-20 23:40:17)
Hmm, we need a Hide (List dropdown) block. Obeously hides lists (so you can hide them if as in shopping, you leave the store, the list disappeers, if you enter, it reappeers.).
We also need a String Match type block. This is to help if people write the right answer with a cap in the wrong place, or mabye even a lowercase letter in the wrong place. (ie: GLaDOS, glAdos GlAdOS and so on.)
ncx123 wrote:
how about something like (in LOOKS)
(width) or (height) so that you could make sizing easier.
Baderous and I made these blocks. Best part: although they won't work online, they work in offline Scratch!
Heres one:
A block called ( (1) as letters) . A block that says the number in a word, according to your language.
A block that does the INVERSE of the above: ([ ] as number) . Says the word in numbers.
Last edited by DigiTechs (2011-07-29 13:21:06)
kevin_karplus wrote:
I agree that forever-if is poorly chosen, since it is two blocks (neither an if):
wait until <condition>
If scratch supported libraries of user-defined blocks, forever-if could be moved into a library, so that it wouldn't clutter up the base language.
err... it can also be
if <>
which is (maybe) how it gets its name?
Also, another block idea:
when [dropdown v] hovered over
[(Code of script goes here)
end c block
This block executes when the mouse pointer touches somthing. I already made this block in BYOB, and when I hoverover my objects, they say their names. If i had a model earth, it would say its name.
How about this one:
instead of:
forever if body else body end endthis:
when gf clicked forever if body else body end