Anyone going to get Super Mario Galaxy 2 when it comes out? I might.
why not? an actual game that's worth getting for the wii finally! the wii is now the worst system with no half-decent games anymore, so you'd best go grab a PS3 or Xbox 360 and actually enjoy playing games again
i got a ps3 and a wii. wii's got a couple good games like smash bros, mario kart, mario galaxy and the new one but ps3 has so many good games i cant list em all
I will admit that the Ps3 has many good games... but perhaps that could be its down fall as time progresses. I predict, though, as the wii gets older, we will see alot of good games, now that the developers know how powerful the wii can get.
I was very dissapointed with super mario galaxy, it was too easy. I will rent this one, and if its good and keeps me interested for awhile, I'll buy it.
ugh...grammar errors everywhere! DX
Last edited by torterra (2009-06-05 19:14:48)
When did this become a system fight?
I'll get Super Mario Galaxy 2, but only for Yoshi.
(Okay, maybe more for the new content...)
I am psyched. About Super Mario Galaxy 2. Also about New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii and, for the DS, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks.
SpriteX wrote:
well the best is Xbox 360 for graphics
Actually, PS3 owns the 360, it has better graphics than 360.
I have a list for that somewhere....
One game I actually want to get is Redsteel 2. Redsteel 1 was kind of disapointing to me, but this one looks pretty good. I can't wait for the next LoZ. Um what else, I want to get the new Metal Gear coming out, 2 actually, Metal Gear Rising for the PS3, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP.
dingdong wrote:
why not? an actual game that's worth getting for the wii finally! the wii is now the worst system with no half-decent games anymore, so you'd best go grab a PS3 or Xbox 360 and actually enjoy playing games again
Ehem.Motion.Xobx 360?RROD.PS3?Too expeinsive.
And no,i won't get it. I ahet kil.ling hammer bros and cute lil' koopas. XD
Last edited by TheCatAndTheBanana (2009-06-05 16:04:24)
TheCatAndTheBanana wrote:
And no,i won't get it. I ahet kil.ling hammer bros and cute lil' koopas. XD
Hammer Bros. aren't in Super Mario Galaxy. And the koopas are primal (they walk on all fours). Besides, they are supposed to be killed. If only they weren't minions of the MUTATED KOOPA NAMED BOWSER! Bowser is just a really ugly, civilized, mutated koopa. You know, without koopas, the Mario world would be boring, and without the important-to-Mushroom-Kingdom-economy shell, well, no tortoise-shell glasses!
Well, they LOOK cute. and i like bowsers minions.
So i don't kill em. nuff said.
(I make loads of typols:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dosg.the qucik frbrownfox jumps overt the lazy dog. see?)
big-bang wrote:
How do you know about this? I've seen tons of sequels that never saw the light of day.
The only reason, in my eyes, of why some sequels didn't get released is because the system died in sales. Since the wii won't die for atleast three more years, we should see this game reach the shelves.