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Hey, just letting everybody know that tonight I was working on a project, and I started previewing a sound by clicking it once while importing it. When a clicked on another to preview it, it popped up with some error, I accidently closed it without paying much attention, but scratch had some sort of error and closed without saving. Luckily, I only lost about 15 mins of work, but just be careful when importing sounds. I think it had something to do with that it was a large file.
I'm not sure if this is a suggestion. Is it?
Yeah, I think it's more of a Bug and/or Glitch myself.
There is one way to detect a bad sound, and that is if when you preview it, if it just plays the first second at 2x speed, it's bad.
However, not all sounds that don't do this are safe. The best thing to do is if you are about to import a sound for the first time, then save before you import it.
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