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#4976 2012-06-25 10:12:16

Registered: 2011-12-17
Posts: 4

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi, this is Oogiemaster. I would like to be a curator. I would mostly pick projects that have exeptional programming, and would not be by well-known Scratchers.



#4977 2012-06-25 11:41:18

Registered: 2011-03-07
Posts: 24

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to apply to be a curator for the Scratch team. I'm a good animator/gamer, so I want to look for games that are good (but somehow challenging). A good example is by this awesome Scratcher:
Fight O'Chunks in Super Mario: Dimentio's Return, Part 3



#4978 2012-06-28 20:11:02

Registered: 2012-06-21
Posts: 92

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

when gf clicked
   say [Can i be a curator?] for (2) secs



#4979 2012-06-30 09:05:37

Registered: 2010-02-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team!

This is my sixth attempt at becoming a curator. It's also my 2,000th post (I'm not superstitious, but hey...). I suppose I'll start with a little about me on Scratch. I'm a (hyper) active Scratcher, going online at least twice a day. I'm very well known, especially on the Advanced Topics. My projects are popular, usually with 200+ views each. I have been featured once. I recently surpassed Lucario621 (wiki admin and forum mod) as the 6th top Wiki editor. As you can tell, I'm pretty happy around here. The reason I want to be curator is so that I can make a couple more Scratchers as happy as I am with Scratch, one day. I know I was catapulted into "fame" when I was featured; when I met lots of brilliant Scratchers on my projects. I'd like to give another couple of Scratchers a shot at it.

I'd do stuff a bit more differently than what other speeches I've seen. For one, I wouldn't try to curate as many projects as I could. Given 14 days, I'd curate 5 projects, but for 3 days each, so that the curated Scratchers would get to really enjoy it.

I would curate a diverse range of projects: not just games and simulations (I am biased towards hard math), but art, and even remix chains (I find these very interesting even though other Scratchers often get annoyed by their popularity). In fact, I promise to curate at least 1 of each of the above genres. Remember once we had a curator who curated just animes? Many Scratchers were angry. I was intrigued by the anime community on Scratch. Oh, and I learned what anime was.

Unlike many curators, I'd set the bar at 50 views, rather than 10 or 20, because a good project will get some views, and deserves to get many, many more.

I'd better stop here, before this becomes an obnoxious wall of text. As a parting shot, check out my To Curate gallery. There are some good projects which I would consider. Note that some of them have gotten more views since I added them, but don't worry—I'll filter out those.

Thanks (for putting up with my speech), and Scratch On!  smile


Hardmaths-MacBook-Pro:~ Hardmath$ sudo make $(whoami) a sandwich



#4980 2012-06-30 10:19:50

Registered: 2012-03-03
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would love to be a curator! (Any time)  If you want to know what projects I would curate check out this gallery!  big_smile

Last edited by UltraAdam (2012-06-30 10:20:11)



#4981 2012-06-30 14:49:32

Registered: 2012-02-05
Posts: 23

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

This is my 3rd try at becoming curator. If I do become curator, I will curate projects that have the following:
- Hard work (lots of effort was put into it.
- Creativity
- Appropriate projects
- not too many views
- AWESOME projects
- all of the above

How I will curate projects:
I will rate the above on a scale from 1-10, and if the average scores above an 8.5, I will curate it.

Genres of projects I will curate:
- Games
- Animations
- Tutorials (These can be very helpful, especially to new scratchers)
- entertainment projects

Hope I become curator, and SCRATCH ON!  smile



#4982 2012-07-01 13:19:06

Registered: 2011-11-06
Posts: 2

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i would like to be a curator and these are the projects i would choose. first this project because it is not only a simple pong game it includes charecters from newsupermariobrosu wich is a new game that hasnt even been realeased yet. i dont know about you but i found it adicting. and i bet all those mario fans out there would love it. seccond this one it is not only funny byitself but the music and sound effects that have been added make it even funnier and also for all those pokemon lovers they would love it! last but not least this one this is very funny and the music added i=is great its very short but still very funny. and that is why i would like to curate these projects



#4983 2012-07-01 21:43:16

Registered: 2011-02-13
Posts: 16

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I Would Like To Be A Curator.



#4984 2012-07-02 11:14:16

Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 6

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I want to be a curator because i have a couple of big games ideas using some of the new features like png support, cloud data variables, and cloning sprites.  I also think i thought of a script that might create online multiplayer, i never got to test though.  Im really exited about the png support so i can now have cooler looking levels.



#4985 2012-07-02 11:28:09

Registered: 2011-02-01
Posts: 39

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

This is my gallery for my scratch tutorials. Copy and paste this link.

This shows that I would be a good curator.

Happy to help!



#4986 2012-07-03 08:31:14

Registered: 2011-07-16
Posts: 1

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Wow... I would love to be a curator!
I want to help make projects that people obviously spent a lot of time and effort on become widely known in the community!
I want to help not-so-popular scratchers with good projects be known, and not just be one of the many anonymous.
Things Like:

I love these projects! And I want people to know about similar projects!

Promote Happiness~Cometfur

when gf clicked
make <(people) = [happy]>
  show [smiley face v]
think [Make People Happy!] for (5) secs

Last edited by Cometfur (2012-07-05 23:50:42)



#4987 2012-07-03 15:54:50

Registered: 2012-06-07
Posts: 20

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Can I Be Curator? My favorite themes would be games that are addicting like this: and funny projects like this:

I believe humans can fly... Dave, test it. *Jumps off cliff.* New theory. Humans can't fly o3o



#4988 2012-07-03 18:06:49

Registered: 2011-04-19
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

please choose me as a curator. i would only pick projects that were made by non-famous scratchers and if it had less than 200 views unless i really liked it. i wouldn't choose projects just because someone asked me to. if there is anything like blood or killing i would not choose it. an example would be slime tale by lukemoussa.

Click the picture below to play my best game yet, Snowball Fight!



#4989 2012-07-04 14:12:35

Registered: 2012-04-01
Posts: 2

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Scratch is a community for artists, programers, teachers, eniginers, students, scientists, game designers, and animaters. Scratch is not a hard programing language to use, its is relativly straight forward yet it can do a variety of things and some very amazing things. Every one starts somewhere, and in scratch it is ideal for beginners in programing. I got interested in programing through scratch. I think as a motivator to the newer members of scratch I as a curator would like to highlight the newer or atleast unseen even if thy've been here a while, scratchers. I created a gallery a while ago that had the same motivation, it was not very successful so i would like to try again at the idea when I am currator. Here are a few projects i might feature: , , , and . so I hope you consider me as a option for curator! thank you for your time 8D.



#4990 2012-07-04 16:14:49

Registered: 2012-06-22
Posts: 500+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a curator. I'm still thinking of some projects to front-page.



#4991 2012-07-04 19:07:06

Registered: 2011-04-08
Posts: 10

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

PLZ make me a curator! If so, I'll do ANYTHING! <3

Do not cry because it's over. Smile, because it happened!



#4992 2012-07-04 19:43:26

Registered: 2012-05-03
Posts: 1

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become a Curator, because I believe that people who are nice and fantastic artists don't get enough views. I like projects that have smooth animation in them, and others that are kind of like this:
Although I understand that I can't choose only my friend's stuff, I enjoyed this project a lot.
I like projects like these because, well, I think that we should share talents that are unknown to others.

Scratch on!



#4993 2012-07-04 20:13:16

Registered: 2011-02-12
Posts: 43

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be curator because I've seen people who have amazing projects and only got 12 or less views and I felt so sad for them and I want to show people the work they did and that persons talent. The people want to see what the people want to see and that's what I'll do for them. That's why I, soraandsonic, wants to be your curator. Thank you for your time.
Look at this!



#4994 2012-07-04 22:59:23

Registered: 2012-01-27
Posts: 88

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Well there are many reasons I would like to be a curator.
1. the feeling of helping and showing is great
2. It would be flat out cool
3. I want unnoticed scratchers to become viewed and show off there awesome projects.
4. i love scratch.
As you can see I am very active on scratch and would love to be more involved with the community. I hope this gets you thinking about it. goodbye salone adios



#4995 2012-07-04 23:55:53

Registered: 2012-03-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become curator.  I find many wonderful, yet unnoticed projects every day.  I was curated once, and it was the best moment of my life.  I want other scratchers to experience that feeling, as well.  I would curate projects that show the diversity of the scratch community.  I would also not curate projects made by well known scratchers.  Unlike most other scratchers, I will set the limit of views at 100.  Therefore, moderate scratchers, would still get a shot at being curated.  Thank you!



#4996 2012-07-05 07:17:13

Registered: 2012-04-27
Posts: 15

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Oh! I want to be a Curator!

Someone remix my project?
Just Add yourself to my project for remix!



#4997 2012-07-05 12:39:24

Registered: 2011-04-08
Posts: 10

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Sounds interesting. I would put projects that aren't inappropriate. I would put projects that seem to be good and deserve to be front paged. I want to become one because I would like to put projects on the front page. Can I?  smile

Do not cry because it's over. Smile, because it happened!



#4998 2012-07-06 08:27:28

Registered: 2011-04-28
Posts: 53

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be curator as a like art projects and also ones that take time

Vene Vidi Vici



#4999 2012-07-06 09:20:08

Registered: 2008-10-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Attempt 4

I would love to be a curator on the Scratch homepage.

I would curate projects that range from a few hours old to a few weeks old, but I will mostly curate the newer projects of less-known Scratchers. I am a particular fan of puzzle games, platformers, but I also like many projects that are not games.

I wouldn't curate projects from very well-known Scratchers, because that isn't the purpose. One, they'll get tons of views and comments anyway, and two, there'll probably end up on the front page for most viewed or most loved.

I would add a new project about 3-5 times a week and I would accept requests but they'd have to follow guidelines, such as being appropriate, having a certain number of views/love its or less, and certain facts about the scratcher (not being frontpaged recently, for example).

Please consider letting me take on this role as it would be a fun and learning experience. Thanks!



#5000 2012-07-06 16:11:59

Registered: 2012-06-15
Posts: 22

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i want to help change new scratchers point of view in a helpful friendly way, i'd like to help projects that seem very good and deserve better recognision could i help  smile



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