Hello all! Currently, I have a game uploaded on Scratch at the size of 36MB (compressed) and I was just wondering, why can I still upload it if it is clearly too big?
The game will not play online, but it still uploads, I think this should be disabled becasue, personally I was disapointed to find out it wont play!
PS. If you want to check out the game, it is in my sig!
[name removed by moderator]
Last edited by cheddargirl (2012-07-02 18:54:03)
Actually, the number of bytes that it has shows that it is almost 1 megabyte. It's not thirty-six megabytes.
Last edited by Hadgerhadger (2012-07-01 01:42:26)
I played it on the Flash player, and it shows that it's almost a megabyte, which is about 1,024 kilobytes (a kilobyte is about 1,024 bytes).
It probably only works on the Flash player.
Last edited by Hadgerhadger (2012-07-01 01:46:23)