Here is an original song I made. People say it sounds familiar, I agree, but don't know what song, but all I know is, if this riff is used in another song, me and that song writer think alike. It's just me, and here is the background of it:
So at band practice the day of our gig, I played this riff. We kinda jammed to it and than my dad came to pick me up for a tournament. So that was all the practice we had. 5 minutes before we played, we organized it and wrote lyrics. It sounds B.A. with bass, drums and lyrics. Our drummer was clueless playing it . . . lol, but he did good. Anyways, that's the name 5 min, it was basically made 5 minutes before we performed.
I kinda improvised it a bit, and ended early as I think you could hear, but my phone was ringing (mom asking about computers). So I got it. Anyways, enjoy!
(It's the first video)
Green Day- All By Myself
Is that it? There is another, like "I'll Go (500 miles) or something by an 80's duet band
YouTube it. I'm loading a video right now . . . on YT