Alright, so for my first episode in StickFlix, I'll need a voice actor for the project, as my mic has bad quality (It's a mic built in to my laptop.) and it picks up a lot of background noise. So I'll need somebody to voice act for me, if you could that'd be great.
- Must have a good quality mic.
- The mic must pick up minimal background noise.
If you meet those requirements, you can make a project on a test account, remix account, or any other account you have and then send a link on this topic. I will accept you or deny you, but it depends on how good you do.
Here are the lines
"Ugh, I need to find a way out of here" (Make it sound like you are a little in pain)
"Wait.. what's that on the roof?" (Sound a little confused)
"Oh, a secret passage. Awesome!" (Sound a little bit happy, but still a little in pain)
"Oof!" (Like one of those sounds when you fall from a medium hight)
If you could help it'd be great! Thanks!
Bump, it'd be nice if somebody could help..
The01er wrote:
Bump again. Really, nobody? -_-
Um.. So your ProgrammingPro01 also?
SciTecCf wrote:
I would love to, but I do not have a mic. ;_;
;_; sad stories are sad