When I share a project, the sound has extreme lag. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/scmb1/486179 It should play "Happy Birthday." And this isn't only a problem I'm having. Here's a 1.3 project with a similar issue. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/shikamaru19/365697
It might be your web browser or your computer. The Happy Birthday project loaded in a split second for me, and the "In the Jungle" project worked much the same. It might have to do with the MIDI sounds, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I would try running the projects later, I often find that one day, projects run extremely slow, and the next day, they work just fine.
shadow_7283 wrote:
It might be your web browser or your computer. The Happy Birthday project loaded in a split second for me, and the "In the Jungle" project worked much the same. It might have to do with the MIDI sounds, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I would try running the projects later, I often find that one day, projects run extremely slow, and the next day, they work just fine.
Really? The sound worked okay for you? Does it work for everyone else?
Is it the "reading sound bank from server"? It does that when loading MIDI sounds. All my MIDI projects do that, but it usually takes several seconds to load for me.
also i'm not sure if this helps but what web browser are you using because now that I have switched from IE to Firefox (and google chrome works) the projects load a lot faster and the sound is better (this might just be me)
For me, there was about a 10 second lag while the MIDI sounds loaded, then it played very nicely.
You can put a script into your project that senses when the MIDI load is done...that way you can load them up at the start of your project and get it over with. Take a look at this project which uses a technique developed by Fullmoon