i have an idea with 2 other projects which are http://www.scratch.mit.edu/projects/Tecklop/1715757 and http://www.scratch.mit.edu/projects/Tecklop/2582390
and i want to get all of the sprites from both of them and make a 2 player fighting game against each other and i dont know how or even if thats possible.
so i need help
First you need to make sure that you have both of those projects downloaded. Then, open up scratch and make a new project. Delete the sprite of the scratch cat and then go to the file tab up at the top of the screen. Click on "Import Project" and then find the first file that you wanted (most likely in your downloads folder). By doing that, you will get all of the sprites from that project. Then go to file again and import the other project into your current one. Or, an easier thing to do is to open up one of the files and just import the other one into that. Hope this helps!