If what i said above is true you will need to do something like this:
on ur enemy sprite:
when enemysprite clicked
broadcast shot
on ur bullet:
when i receive shot
glide towards enemysprite
if touching enemysprite
set endgame to 1
then set this 'endgame' variable to do what you want
Try this:
Enemy Sprite:
when [enemysprite] clicked broadcast [shot v] and waitBullet:
when gf clicked hide
when i receive [shot v] go to [gun v] //The sprite that shoots. point in direction ([direction v] of [gun v]) show repeat until <<touching [edge v]?> or <touching [enemysprite v]?>> move (2) steps //You can change this number. end if <touching [enemysprite v]?> set [endgame v] to [1] //Whatever you want to happen when enemy shot end hide //Don't remove this.That'll work.
Last edited by SciTecCf (2012-06-27 08:19:34)