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#1 2012-06-28 09:24:42

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-06-27
Posts: 8

Linking sprites

I want to create like a shooting game. For now im just using the cat want the bullet to come out of his mouth.
When i hit space the bullet glides to the right of the screen (250) on the y axis
I need to link the two sprites so the bullet is always at the cats mouth

Any help thanks



#2 2012-06-28 10:03:08

Registered: 2012-02-10
Posts: 500+

Re: Linking sprites

First, you have to set the bullets costume center so that it is level with the cat's mouth when they are on the same "y" then use this script:

when gf clicked
repeat until<key[space v] pressed?>
go to [sprite 1 v]//the cat's sprite
repeat until <touching[edge v]?>
move (10) steps
Hopefully this will help you  smile
play around with it to get something you really like

Last edited by wasabi56 (2012-06-28 10:07:10)



#3 2012-06-28 10:07:33

New Scratcher
Registered: 2012-06-27
Posts: 8

Re: Linking sprites

Got my gun working. I want a bad guy to float about the right of the screen and if comes so close to the cat it will bounce back.
I dont want it to pass x-100



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