I want to make a game that will run for 5 or 10 seconds after the flag is clicked.
The user will move the cursor to catch the character and it will move elsewhere. Once the time runs out the game should stop.
First I click the green flag,
This will reset the character location to 0,0 and the timer score to 0
I then use a <forever if touching mouse-pointer> to change the score by 1
and the character will go to a random spot on the screen.
I then have a if statement to check if the timer is equal 5 or 10 and stop all.
This isnt stopping the script. Help please
What's the exact script you are using to check?
This is very close to what i am using some of the boxes may not be exact but the correct information is there.
From my logic until the timer reaches 10 you can do the stuff inside (which move the character randomly around the screen and counts a score when it is hovered over)
Once the timer reaches 10 it should stop moving and stop the score adding up.
Ive also tried timer < 10 still no joy.
go to x:0y:0setscore ▼to0reset timerrepeat untiltimer=10forever iftouching(mouse-pointer)changescore ▼by1go to x:pick randomy:-240to240pick random-180to180stop all
I have tried that but it still wont work.
The script keeps running and the character keeps moving and the score keeps incrementing
There is the link
Thanks for looking
Got it working now. New version working.
Was told to teach this to kids on saturday and this is my first day looking at it. Any tutorials for easy kids games.
I was also told to try and find out how to make the gun shoot.