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Though originally more of a cult favorite, Rhythm Heaven has, by now, has reached a point of popularity where its nearly world-renowned. And no other minigame inside the game has reached as much of a following on the Internet as Wrestler Interview did. Maybe it's the catchy music - it's almost like an earworm.
As a result, one quick trip to Youtube can give you more than a large handful of Wrestler Interview spoofs. And one of the best ones is one that uses characters from Team Fortress 2; where Heavy is being interviewed.
Watch it in all it's amusing glory.
Discuss hilarious Wrestler Interview spoofs, and send links to some below. If this thread catches on, I'll post more great spoofs.
It's not from Wrestler Interview (and here in the US we call it Ringside), but it involves the orignal Rhythm Heaven's Freeze Frame and ponies (I'm not a brony though) … pxDeeWlI#!
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