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I assume I'm not in the main 3. ;_; Sorry, I'll try and work on it a bit more soon.
I'll post the diary at the beginning:
Revisila Jasnar's Journal:
6th May 1473CE
Thrown into some dungeons somewhere for a murder I never committed. Food, low. Living conditions, terrible. Cold... Hungry...
19th February 1474CE
The guards are not human of course, nobody would take the job. Instead, machines move around, giving us our food and such. One came in today. I'd been wondering who framed me, and it had angered me. I'd lashed out at the guard and kicked some part of it and it turned off. An on/off switch maybe? I guess the guarding here isn't all it's cracked up to be.
20th February 1474CE
I was so stupid. I didn't realise that after it came in, it didn't lock the lift behind it. I can escape. Nobody has escaped Mercurine, the planet I am held, before. But I plan to be the first. And I have to be fast too, I heard a computer informing the guards that volcanic activities have been detected in Mercurine's centre and will blow up in a matter of days. They called it, "An easy way to dispose of the prisoners without it looking purposeful to the public of Minecraftia."
It's time to escape. Escape or die...
Or possible die escaping.
No one's ever on
Minecraft in game name: gbear605
Your age(nice to know, but optional): 13
Experience with WorldEdit: Lots!
Experience with server stuff in general: Lots! From Scratchia! XD
Picture of your best build: You saw some of my good builds on Scratchia, and I don't have any pictures ATM.
Why you want to help: Because it looks cool, and I'm addicted to minecraft.
Lol, I'm on almost all day.
gbear whitelisted.
Minecraft in game name: qazedt
Your age(nice to know, but optional): 44
Experience with WorldEdit: a lot
Experience with server stuff in general: uh a little bit
Picture of your best build: i helped build AoR
Why you want to help: i'm bored
Last edited by The-Whiz (2012-06-24 12:38:58)
Is there a specific time that you'll be finished and I can test the map?
Or am I simply clueless at what the heck is going on?
Last edited by geohendan (2012-06-24 19:43:02)
Minecraft in game name: magnetistic
Your age(nice to know, but optional):
Experience with WorldEdit: Good
Experience with server stuff in general: The tiniest bit ever. Basically like nothing
Picture of your best build: Can't upload sorry
Why you want to help: Because I saw your previous maps and they were awesome. Then I saw this and was like Aww yeah..
Edit: pic coming tomorrow
Last edited by Laternenpfahl (2012-06-25 01:26:44)
Guys, I'm on a lot. If you have time to come on, please do. If not, that's fine. Magnetistic whitelisted.
Maybe you should make a custom texture pack for this.
samtwheels wrote:
Maybe you should make a custom texture pack for this.
rabbit1131 wrote:
Tex pack:
Highly recommend you get.
jukyter wrote:
samtwheels wrote:
Maybe you should make a custom texture pack for this.
rabbit1131 wrote:
Tex pack:
Highly recommend you get.
Your age(nice to know, but optional): 15
Experience with WorldEdit: I use it often on my own server.
Experience with server stuff in general: I use a server a lot. I don't run it, but I am a good admin and a good builder (if I do say so myself.)
Picture of your best build: I'll take a screenshot soon.
Why you want to help: It looks very cool. I could also make some pretty neat looking planets.
Last edited by wiimaster (2012-06-26 11:54:58)
Topic closed