Yoshiboy, I need the code for your sig so I can add you to the list of writerss on the rs website.
Dear Runaway Studios,
This is a progress report from Rocket Investments. It has been a pleasure to work for you over the course of this week. You have progressed a lot over this time. We feel that we had a lot on our hands over the past week. We would like to help you more. If you need anything please contact us.
In the beginning of our contract you progressed a lot with your game Droid. It is going to turn out very well. You have seen to get of track a bit with the game a bit. I know it is summer vacation but don't totally forget about that. I have seen many collaborations like Warpsound Inc for instance that get half way through a game and then they forget about it. Please don't do that. Stay alive.
In part Yoshiboy, lead the way. If people don't do it (which will happen) do it yourself. If they continue to not do that. Give them the boot. But what you don't want to happen is you being power hungry and too picky. I gave you a 10/10 last time but i have decreased your score a tiny bit to 8/10.
I still don't think you have a website. But you will need one at some point. I regret to score you so N/A for now.
You haven't done a lot since last time. Please do get back on track. Runaway, please don't die of like many of the others. I am really concerned with a lot of our customers because you are having the same customers. You can make this collaboration really good if you really try. Keep On Flying!
Website: n/a
Products: n/a
CEO: 8/10
Company Overall: 7.5/10
Meapinator, CEO of RI
berberberber wrote:
Yoshiboy, I need the code for your sig so I can add you to the list of writerss on the rs website.
You can always left-click an image, and select "copy image URL" and it will copy the code (without img tags)
Yoshiboy wrote:
berberberber wrote:
[offtopic]Do you like my sig?[/offtopic]
It's ok.
just kidding... I worked hard on it though...
O yeah, I remember, I used to have it, before my dad built me a new computer. I now have vista ultimate.