Heres mine. Still in alpha though.
PS thanks for doing this. You are very kind.
Doesn't this belong in Requests?
>Note from BlackWhite<
I may get in 1 of these, 2 if i'm lucky, today. Tomorrow, I'll probably be able to get the rest.
Keep the games comin', though!
Last edited by ROSMan (2012-06-25 08:15:14)
bluecat600 wrote:
Fruit Chop 1.4
A BlackWhite Review
6/10 (Sub-Par)
> Nice sounds and soundtrack. That added to the effect.
> I like how you can change your sword.
Work On:
> No offense, but this is just a fruit ninja clone. There are 100 of these on Scratch, but the few that stand out have special fruits, other game modes, etc. That way, you're not totally copying off fruit ninja.
> Make the fruits look more realistic.
> Sometimes, when I touch a fruit, it just disappears.
> In the project notes, your getting love its meter should not be there. When you make a game, you're making the game for the people, not vice versa.
> Finally, make it so you have to hold down the mouse to slice things.
Remember, you can re-post this once you've made changes.
pipercubjl wrote:
Heres mine. Still in alpha though.
PS thanks for doing this. You are very kind.
no problem
A BlackWhite Demo Review
9/10 (Fantastic)
(Demos get a weighted score, which means they get points simply for potential.)
> Your game captures the scene it wants to capture. It certainly seems eerie.
> The static effect and the lighting idea were awesome. They made the experience and gameplay better.
> Very nice menu and art.
>The story is good, even though you only get a glimpse of it.
Need To Add:
> If you're going to have a static effect, make the switches and things a specific color or color scheme. I thought the lever in the first level was a crack in the wall, like part of the art.
> You should include some way, even like hitting a lever, to destroy enemies. I suppose it'll be hard to advance the plot without creating a way to destroy them.
Thanks for the great review ROSman! I though I would not get such a good review. I would like to say that the switch was supposed to be hard to find. maybe not THAT hard, but still hard. I was going to make enemies be destroyable by using traps that were meant for the player. I will not make it so the player has a weapon though. I think this would make the game more scary.
brinkbrink wrote:
brinkbrink wrote:
brinkbrink wrote:
ROSMan wrote:
>Note from BlackWhite<
I may get in 1 of these, 2 if i'm lucky, today. Tomorrow, I'll probably be able to get the rest.
Keep the games comin', though!
So posting it a second time isn't going to get it done any faster.
Last edited by ROSMan (2012-06-26 14:57:30)
brinkbrink wrote:
Rix's Adventure
A BlackWhite Review
8/10 (Very Good)
> Like the story. Adds a lot of effect.
> Skill was definitely needed. Also, good work on the ways the bosses attacked, each one was different.
> Nice art style and title screen.
Work On:
> Change the sound effects to things outside of the Scratch sound selection.
> Make the shorter things the dragons say take less time to say. It was a bit annoying waiting like 5 seconds for them to say "RUN RIX!"
>Tidy up the graphics a bit, y'know, make the lines smoother...
> The pros are things that many games on scratch don't have, and the negatives are just small fixes that could tidy up the game. Good work!
Last edited by ROSMan (2012-06-26 15:55:15)
shpeters wrote:
1s1s Maze
A BlackWhite Review
7/10 (Good)
> Since it's 1 sprite 1 script, I give a little leeway to you for no title screen, etc.
> I thought at first it was just one maze, I'm glad it's multiple mazes.
> Plus, you can replay the same mazes with a red dot in a different place! Good!
Work On:
> More mazes. After a few mazes, I felt like I was just playing the game again. Make mazes specific, like put circles in one, squiggles in another, etc, so people don't feel that they're playing the game over and over.
> I'd clean up the art for the first one (unless of course, that's how you did wall sensing).
> Get a soundtrack going, a fast-paced one, to speed up the action.
> There are some things you could add, but even without them, it's a game worth trying.
SciTecCf wrote:
Can you please review Gray by Scorpion_Studios? Thanks!
Gray 1.0
A BlackWhite Review
7/10 (Good)
> Good concept. This has never been explored before.
> Like the level idea, and the shop.
> Good soundtrack and sounds.
Work On:
> Need to make the instructions a LOT more reader-friendly. I felt myself getting a headache. Create illustrations, or at least breaks in the type, to keep the person reading.
> You have to talk about the shop in the instructions.
> Cut each point requirement in half. It took way too long to get to level 2. I almost lost interest.
> Build on this fine arcade game, like more types of dots, etc. My biggest problem was the instructions.
>A note from BlackWhite<
(claps hands in a vertical motion) All done! Bring in the games!
ROSMan wrote:
SciTecCf wrote:
Can you please review Gray by Scorpion_Studios? Thanks!
Gray 1.0
A BlackWhite Review
7/10 (Good)
> Good concept. This has never been explored before.
> Like the level idea, and the shop.
> Good soundtrack and sounds.
Work On:
> Need to make the instructions a LOT more reader-friendly. I felt myself getting a headache. Create illustrations, or at least breaks in the type, to keep the person reading.
> You have to talk about the shop in the instructions.
> Cut each point requirement in half. It took way too long to get to level 2. I almost lost interest.
> Build on this fine arcade game, like more types of dots, etc. My biggest problem was the instructions.
Thanks for the advice, ROS. We'll try to incorporate this in the next version.
Rayman 4 please and if you have time (but has less priority: ) GameClub
I Saw Herobrine!!!!