GalaXa will be a bird's eye view game released in August, that will be made by coolhogs. "It's going to be set in space, on a disk-shaped planet. The planet is covered and protected by a force, known as Galaxa, that can be controlled by destroying the planet, completely. Good, right? Wrong. Once controlled, Galaxa can do anything you ask it to do, like make a energy bomb that could destroy the entire universe, which is exactly what the nanobots of the disk-shaped planet plan to do. You, Matthew, must stop the nanobots, and put them in a Galaxa protected cell.
Definitions of Words:
Galaxa: A force that, once controlled, can do anything you ask it to do. It surrounds a disk-shaped planet.
Energy Bomb: This bomb splits a atom, which causes a extreme amount of energy. It then magnifies it by sending a eletrical charge, right at the billionth of a second after the bomb has split the bomb.
Nanobots: These bots are about a few molecules big. The ones in GalaXa have lost a piece that zaps them when they try to reach the Galaxa Control Room. Each person has that piece, too.
Last edited by coolhogs (2012-06-25 10:30:51)