You will need to use the beta flash player or download the game to play it. The collision detection system does not function in the online java player.
Looking for feedback on the game regarding the following subjects:
Graphical Design
Game performance (I have a good PC, I want to know how it runs on bad PCs)
Stuff that will be added at some point:
Multiple tracks with a track select
Multiple vehicles with a vehicle select
ZONE mode. The accelerator is permanently jammed down. You die after taking too much damage from collisions. You get more points for using speed boosts and for surviving.
Stuff that might be added (Sorted by difficulty of implementation):
Ghost vehicles to race against
Splitscreen multiplayer
AI vehicles
And I get... no feedback.
How useful.
Now that music has been added, there may be more slowdown, so that needs to be tested on weaker computers too.
Still needs feedback