JSO wrote:
I like this idea so much!
I would really like to be a curator. However, I am still thinking about some things...
What if the current "curator" picks a violent project? It'd be shown off on the frontpage for about a week...
We are trying to select curators whose previous history on our community indicate that this will not happen. Also, we will be watching over (as always) and disable the curator if this happens.
I would like to emphasize one of the sentences in the call for curators
Tell us the kind of projects you'd like to show, and why you want to show them.
As you submit your application to be a curator, please tell us more about you and your goals as a curator. This will help us make our decision.
Again, I might show good projects by unsung Scratchers who deserve the limelight but don't get it because they aren't famous.
I joined Scratch after my friend from school who's here did a project for a gifted program project. I became a major forum user in April, and try to check here every day. I have about 6 school friends here on this sight too, and we made a gallery with all our projects in it. That's really all I have about myself on this site to say.
Here's mine again in case no one saw it:
fruit wrote:
I would like to be one. I love all of the games that make you say "Whoa." Like ones that take forever to make and are GREAT quality. And they wouldn't all be from people we all know, like archmage, or keroro645, or boinoinoi, lots of them would be from "unknowns", too. I think that's why I would be a great curator.
Thanks for your time
I think being a "Scratch curator" would be pretty interesting. Theres a lot of projects I know that should be featured. Can I be a "Scratch curator"?
*This is my application to become a Scratch Curator*
My goal for becoming a curator is to favorite projects that are not only good but low viewed. I will do that If I become a scratch curator because sometimes I wonder how it feels to have a project you worked really hard on ignored completely. I feel that If I become a curator I will shine the light of reconition on the good projects unseen. I've always wanted to play a major role of Scratch and I think this is my dream came true. I live in the scratch community by a few simple guidelines:
-Respect all the way I would like to be respected
-Help others
-Give credit if my projects are made with something from other peoples project
-Think before I do something
-No publicity stunts
And the most IMPORTANT RULE:
-Have fun!
Not only will I pick games to be favorited but I will also pick Art, Animations, simulations, and more! Projects that I will pick (If I become a Scratch curator) will be all great in there own sort of way and I will make projects saying why I favorited it so that scratchers can construct from there to make there project even more! The only ones that will be favorited are the ones that in my opinion deserve to be (So no requests). That is basicly what I will fufill if I become a Scratch Curator. Scratch on!
Great idea! I would love to be a curator if I ever got the chance.
I think this would be a great idea as it will bring the community together, and it will give more credit to projects which are worthy of going into someones favourites.
Note: I am not applying because I haven't been on scratch for the past 6 months so I've missed a lot. Maybe in the future though.
Last edited by Mozaz (2009-05-30 16:25:16)
Paddle2See wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
Scratch Wiki wrote:
While serving as curator, the Scratcher’s most recent Favorites will be featured in a row on the Scratch Homepage.
It sounds like SCRATCH will just automatically pick the three recent projects favored by the curator. But if I were curator, I would like some say in which three of my favorites appear on the home page. Would that be possible?
I suspect, since it is going to pick your most recent three favorites, that you could force it to pick the ones you want by unfavoriting and then refavoriting projects to manipulate the dates...kind of awkward maybe, but I bet it would work.
Well, if a curator can get a heads up before the projects get featured, I think that would be good so the curator can place his/her three select choice of projects to appear on the front page.
Admittedly, I am a busy student, and I probably will be working over the summer, so I'm not quite sure yet if I can take out some time to fulfill such a significant position (I shall see), but, if given an opportunity to become a Scratch curator, I would love to showcase some of these projects such that they would receive some more recognition by peers. Projects that I would like to feature are those that, I hope, would encourage Scratchers to become more imaginative in their work. I believe that the sharing of ideas and work can be helpful in making a community grow well, and with the promotion of good projects, perhaps the Scratch community can be better encouraged to grow more positively.
cheddargirl wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
cheddargirl wrote:
It sounds like SCRATCH will just automatically pick the three recent projects favored by the curator. But if I were curator, I would like some say in which three of my favorites appear on the home page. Would that be possible?I suspect, since it is going to pick your most recent three favorites, that you could force it to pick the ones you want by unfavoriting and then refavoriting projects to manipulate the dates...kind of awkward maybe, but I bet it would work.
Well, if a curator can get a heads up before the projects get featured, I think that would be good so the curator can place his/her three select choice of projects to appear on the front page.
Admittedly, I am a busy student, and I probably will be working over the summer, so I'm not quite sure yet if I can take out some time to fulfill such a significant position (I shall see), but, if given an opportunity to become a Scratch curator, I would love to showcase some of these projects such that they would receive some more recognition by peers. Projects that I would like to feature are those that, I hope, would encourage Scratchers to become more imaginative in their work. I believe that the sharing of ideas and work can be helpful in making a community grow well, and with the promotion of good projects, perhaps the Scratch community can be better encouraged to grow more positively.
That is so true! Im guessing that is the reason the Scratch Team though of this.
i would love to be one too. i would choose games from scratchers registered within two weeks of the time i choose them. i would also choose projects from people who have been with scratch for more than a year, and have ten or less love-its on the projects.
As scratch curator I would try to pick unique and well coded projects for the frontpage.
I would pick projects like the ones in this gallery http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/2699
andresmh wrote:
I would like to emphasize one of the sentences in the call for curators
Tell us the kind of projects you'd like to show, and why you want to show them.
As you submit your application to be a curator, please tell us more about you and your goals as a curator. This will help us make our decision.
So... In addition to my previous post (on page 1)
If I was a curator, I would select projects from users that are "unknown" - giving them a chance to show projects to the community. Mostly projects that I personally like, that includes well-made (unknown) games, creative projects, projects to help other community members, ... I already tried to do so in my favorites.
I would pick educational projects... and just cool ones but I am not going to be a curator so yeah...
I would definitely pick projects that showed creativity and were well programmed out. I would also try to pick projects which were unknown for some time.
I would do this because I feel that some people's good projects are usually not viewed enough...
There should also be a rule against favoriting your own projects.
I wouldn't mind being a curator! I can't wait to see the undiscovered projects on the front page!
I'd certainly like to be a curator if possible, but two questions. Do you get to pick the projects that come up? And would you be able to pick your own?
I'd like to be a curator! I'd choose projects that were made by relatively unknown users who made a small high quality project that featured some cool innovative idea.
I would love to be one becaude I would only upload games to the home page if they are good and I would love to become a curator
I would like to be a curator because my favourite things on scratch can be any type of project! I would also like to be a curator because there are many good projects on scratch that aren't getting attention as a lot of people go on the "most viewed","most downloaded" etc........
Finally I would like to be a curator because I like to see many different aspects of projects!
Thank you
sounds interesting, i would like to be a curator