I Am warning people that the coding in this is quite complicated and you need to know what you are doing.
Right, I Have made a large script that saves you onto a leaderboard database which links together the username and score
But!, I am having many problems with it, its very buggy and i don't know why, Ive gone over the programme time and time again... It will not work properly.
Here is a link
Thanks ~Templex
Last edited by Tbtemplex97 (2012-06-20 12:27:18)
zammer990 wrote:
Ok, you're massively overcomplicating it, use this:
when I receive [save score v] add (join(join(username) [:]) (score)) to [highscores v]
I Made this so that in 2.0, people couldn't spam the leaderboards, infact 1 per person but the code also allows for updating and bumping so that it is even and neat and in the correct place, your code would mess things up
You are making this way to complicated. Try this:
when I receive [Save Score v] if <not <[Highscores v] contains (Username)>> add (join (Username) (join [ : ] (Score))) to [Highscores v] end
Hey there! Not sure if this will help but this is a method I used to store usernames and scores, and display them in numerical descending order. To stop spamming in 2.0, you could try and add an encrypted password to the username - anyways here is the project