I had a project idea of such epicness, I just had to post it.
Useing Scratch... (C# D major chord...)
WITHOUT USEING A PREMADE MIDI INTERPRETER... (D major chord Eb major chord...)
With the mininum of lists and blocks... (Eb major chord F major chord...)
100% correctly... (F major chord Eb major chord...)
Make... (F major chord (8va) Eb major chord...)'
This is the link we will use for reference
I wrote the rules above just to coincide with the song, so here they are in more detail:
In Scratch, make Death Waltz/UN owen was her..
Without putting the entire song in about 54 lists and sequentially reading them..
Optimized as much as possible, and most parts of the song in lists are ok. However, bonus points if you don't use lists at all..
Correctly, and this includes the "rain" part at 2:31, and yes, the "lay down on the piano in you don't have enough octopuses to play all the notes of an entire keyboard" part, 3:12..
Ok, so who's up to the challenge?
If you're not, let's try to guess these questions ("it" refers to the theoretical death waltz project)
How many love-its would this project recieve if it was made?
What would the rate of change of love-its be? (love-its per day)
How fast would it get on the front page?
How long would it take to make it?
How much memory would it take?
[color=Awesomeness]No-one knows, until someone makes it...[/color ]
By reference, I meant the video that we talk about when we say somthing like 1:25. The song should use an actual MIDI file (probably with another MIDI viewing program).
Also, the volume should be correct. If this is a problem, try using multiple sprites.
The synchronization should also be correct, otherwise it will sound like my random fugue generator without turbo-speed.
You have to earn the edit button >:{
(wait a few days and have at least 4 projects)
Last edited by Andres-Vander (2012-06-21 04:09:48)
Thanks for replying, SciTecCf!
Unfortunately, I do not have an MIDI (I would have no use for it). I was thinking about optimizations, though. Heres an example (a song that plays twinkle twinkle little star for melody, and the first half at the end for chords):
when GF clicked
[put all the notes in "notes"]
set var to 1
repeat (length of notes)
Play item var of notes
change var by 1
If var [is about] length of notes/2
Broadcast Chords
When I recieve chords
set var2 to 1
repeat (length of notes/2)
play item var2 of notes
change var2 by 1
So it sort of uses the melody in many different ways (I know thats a bad example, but I don't want to make little fugue). That type of optimization would actually work for DW.
So basically, one, I unfortunately do not have an MIDI, two, songs with repeating (or semi-repeating, like theme and variations (think of the suprise symphony, the repeat 4 times variation)) melodies could be optimized with lists.
Give me the notes and I will try it.
Last edited by skippito (2012-06-21 18:28:36)
I replied on your thread, skippito.
Seems like an interesting project, though the song's U.N. Owen was Her?
I'm not sure, I'm just using the "Death Waltz" version. (They say Death Waltz was by John Stump, but the info is very confusing.)
Of the entire song? Or just a part of it?