Pecola1 wrote:
ssss wrote:
Hi, Pecola1, I must ask if this is still active? If it is not, I would like to work on a new RKT foundation. The totally online kind of scratch, Rocket will be a completely independent mod, such as the Scratch 2.0, not following the squeak standards or the Flash standards. If you are still working on Rocket, then all is good, and I will inquire no further into this. However, if you are willing, I would like you to help create this piece of work, as it will be great to work on this mod, while having it a separate entity. I feel as though having a Javascript mod will make this mod a stand out from the rest, or at least provide me with a resource to increase my understanding of the language.
Sure! I was kinda working on it, but so far it looked like Slash #2... XD
Lawl. You can keep working on it if you like! RKT JS IS a seperate project
jurk wrote:
are we still working on this?
I think... I might restart without using byob.
Pecola1 wrote:
jurk wrote:
are we still working on this?
I think... I might restart without using byob.
Why don't you just build on top of the old RKT?
Is this project still alive?