Im trying to make a hunger variable and a thirst variable for my new game. Every 10 seconds its supposed to go up a point. Eating a fish or rabbit or mouse sets hunger to zero and drinking water sets thirst to zero. Lets say my hunger is 15. I eat a fish. It goes down to zero. Then 10 secs later it goes to 16! How can I fix this? Plz help.
Heres the script I have:
when s key pressed set hunger to (1)and so forth all the way to forty. Then its game over.
Try these two scripts.
forever wait [10] secs change [Hunger v] by [1] change [Thirst v] by [1] end
forever if <<touching [Fish v]?> or <<touching [Rabbit v]?> or <touching [Mouse v]?>>> set [Hunger v] to [0] end if <touching [Water v]?> set [Thirst v] to [0] end end