How exactly do you make a changing health bar, not just using a variable?
Firedrake969 wrote:
How exactly do you make a changing health bar, not just using a variable?
Depends...there are a few ways:
-pen tool
-x/y position w/cover
The pen tool could be used like this with a health max of 100:
forever go to x: (-230) y: (-170) pen down go to x: ((Health) - (230)) y: (-170) pen upCostumes could be used...but you should have a good amount of costumes if you want to do it with costumes.
Exactly what the previous poster said, except maybe
If touching x: ---, broadcast message (out of life), and when message recieved (desired effect)
I would make a red bar, than make another rectangle the color of the background. Put that cover over the red bar and make a script to move the cover depending on a variable.
Hope that helps.
PS I use many different costumes, because it looks better.
You may want to look at this project in which I used a health bar above all the units, see if it gives you some inspiration