Duo Lingo is a website where you can learn lots of languages (spanish, french, and german, more to come), while translating the internet into english! It's still in private beta, but it's being released tomorrow! I've found Lucario621 and Cpumaster930 on it! Check it out tomorrow! In the meantime, discuss learning a new language.
As to the forum section choice, I figured, we're typing stuff in the other language, thats making, right? Plus, the description of the section includes 'creating or exploring outside of Scratch'. We're exploring other languages!
Last edited by gbear605 (2012-06-18 19:46:20)
Um, I don't think it is
Last edited by Andres-Vander (2012-06-18 19:46:05)
Andres-Vander wrote:
Um, I don't think it is
You don't think it fits in the forum? I guess it's not the closest, but it's up to a mod to decide where this should go. Can we try to discuss the topic of discussion now?
But you're discussing that one site and not other languages in general aren't you? And it's not like I was planning on dragging this offtopic or something (I'm not even sure if this is offtopic since I was just addressing a question you asked in the first post). Reading and Playing would be a better forum for this though
Andres-Vander wrote:
But you're discussing that one site and not other languages in general aren't you? And it's not like I was planning on dragging this offtopic or something (I'm not even sure if this is offtopic since I was just addressing a question you asked in the first post). Reading and Playing would be a better forum for this though
Eh, up to the mods. I might report it to ask them whether it should be moved.
Back on discussion: Yay, opening tomorrow
Sounds really cool! I'd love to be conversant in a few more languages - but I have trouble retaining what I learn.
As for the forum, I think you made the right choice with Making and Creating since the guidelines for the forum say:"... or other skill sets you are working on. " which might include language skills.
Yay, opening in 3 and a half hours! (Thats 10:00 AM EST and 2:00 PM GMT, BTW)
Its open!
G0D_M0D3 wrote:
Cool, I signed up. I'm learning German. I'm owetre18.
Great! I'm following you on there now!