A note to pinnipediator:
I am almost done implementing! I just wanted to alert you of four changes I made.
I added animation facing whatever direction for up and down arrows.
I made jumping activated by "j" key since space is already in use for using sword
I made jumping less dynamic, so it couldn't be used as a way to dodge attacks cheaply and easily.
It auto-sets to right direction in the beginning, so you could move up/down/or jump before moving right or left.
P.S. I fixed that jumping back. The problem was one of the costumes (walk7) had a center point far too left for the rest, so when it went through that costume it jumped right because the center was moved. (Set centers with the 'set custom center' button in drawing mode.)
Thank you!
Last edited by dunvegan5 (2012-06-14 07:55:31)
Set custom center?? Sounds useful, i have that problem a lot. Glad you liked it anyway. I won't be able to help much, i have enough on my hands with style xi, and that's just scratch.....
Anyways, glad you liked it again!
It'll get enough publicity, we've been on it for ages.
Yeah, well, I don't think the new Snakehead Island will get much publicity, despite this.
No, i meant style Xi, anyway, i'll share your stuff wherever it seems fit to share it, and if everyone else who agreed t support does the same, you'll have publicity enough!
Just tell me when it's out........!
(Skipping back to the post after
Naturally, it sounds a big project, that's why it'll deserve the front page, and that's why i'm going to publicitise it for you, because i think it's worth it. I want some of my work (the animation) to reach front page, because none of my stuff's ever reached front page, so i want to be seen and heard a bit more.
It's HUGE. Don't you mean "publicize"? Haha. Ok thanks a million! I will look at your stuff when I'm not so busy!
Look at my stuff? There's not much there. I haven't made anything on scratch for ages now. I've got much better at scratch recently, but only through unfinished projects, so no one's seen, so i still look rubbish. Also, i've been looking up other programming languages. I'm getting bored of scratch (i'll still use it) but i do want more of a challenge, and an older approach to programming- scratch is getting a bit kiddy for me.
Yes: I use Scratch for that too, and I have the same problem but I do have a couple projects that slightly represent my skill. Snakehead Island 2 (which will probably be called Aniked Islands) will show ALL my skill XD.
For starting programming languages: I would start with True BASIC to learn structure, then maybe move to Python, ActionScript, or maybe even C++ or Java.
I know True BASIC, Python, and a little bit of Java
I'm starting with python and pygame, then maybe pascal, then C and beyond. At some point i'll get a raspberry pi, and whatever language i'm on then, the raspberry pi'll get the full force of.
C and beyond..... I like that. That's what they should call C++ (no, actually C++ is named after the function ++ after a variable, which just adds one).
But anywho, Python is a good way to start (pygame lol).
The Python Project are terrible at naming things. What did they call game making python?
What did they call java python?
And the others:
Iron python
I think there are more. They could at least have given the exellent language spinoffs a better name!
How about Pythagoras?
A version of Python with the only difference being the implementation of the operation ++
I don't know how many times I've gotten errors because i used variable++
i'm amazed they haven't used pythagoras! there are however:
Pykyra (python with graphics)
3D python (well duh)
And 96 other addons allowing the use of 3D, many with the silliest names yet.
You could suggest it to the python coorperation! Anyway, hows the project going? I'm making a big rpg now as well! It's called ELEMENTALS. You can see the demo, it's in my projects.
Awww, come on! That's ok! Just asl long as you don't give up!
Kool, look forward to the next one becoming available!