Welcome to the Rocket Investments new requests and advice forums page.Rocket Investments is a well-thought out plan and company which is serious about its work with the other companies and its work with Scratch. Rocket Investments is a company where other companies success is our goal. We will advertise, invest, and help launch and raise your companies revenue whether it is for a OS, an MMO, or products. We will take your company to extravagant heights. We have no ranking system and our team is almost complete. Rocket Investments will not totally tolerate funny behavior or goofing around although we do enjoy a few laughs there and there. We will give a progress report every week on how you guys are working and how you could improve. We believe that is a great way to learn,improve, and enhance your company and we strongly value this attribute. No advanced art or programming skills are required.
There is no risk involved. We can provide you serious feedback and advice. We would enjoy feedback too. Rocket Investments is a great company to work with as a group. We will give a progress report every week on how you guys are working and how you could improve. We believe that is a great way to learn,improve, and enhance your company and we strongly value this attribute.
About the page
As you know Rocket Investments encourages collaborations to sign-up. We are trying to expand our area by giving advice and comments and ratings to individuals overall as well as big collaboration projects. We hope you can sign up. If you aren't sure about this try it out. It won't hurt you! If you have any questions please contact us at our website as well as our main forums.
Here is an example of a review packet for Eternity Inc. One of our successful customers:
My understanding about Eternity Inc: Eternity Inc is one of the biggest most successful companies of the scratch world. Eternity Inc is a big collab with a good group and a good leader. They are focusing on a lot of things other than scratch. It feels like Eternity Inc uses scratch as "forums" and a way to discuss.
Eternity Inc still needs to use scratch in a way to make projects. It has done an excellent job at making its website and exploring things other than scratch but it lacks the main "boom". Eternity Inc is still waiting for that big boom that will really make a mark in the scratch world. I'm guessing you are leading up to that big boom by making sure that when that does happen it will continue.
Eternity Inc is a big company as I mentioned. But this has it's ups and downs. You guys need to focus on one product. You are almost all over the place with arts, apps. scratch, and more. The ups are when you find that big project you will have products to keep than captivated.
XenoK: XenoK you are doing a great job as CEO and a primary leader. You get what you want without being to rash and harsh. You are calm and you never give up. Never giving up is a big part in making a successful company. Continue what you are doing. I know this is primarily because you haven't made many scratch projects but you have to spread out the credit and jobs equally. Many people are doing a lot of work in this company like p110 and parchessidude but many other people are doing a lot. You should make sure if they apart of the company they are doing work. When I was a part of the company I literally did nothing. You should have either given me work or give me the boot.
Overall Eternity Inc is a great company which has little room for improvements. You are almost perfect. You are still waiting for you big bang project but you are getting there . You need to be focused and dedicated to a certain place whether it is Scratch or something else. With the couple of weeks we have left we will make sure these problems are fixed. Eternity Inc wouldn't need our help after a while because you guys are off to a good start and have a really bright future ahead of us. Thanks for your time and cooperation.
Products: 6/10
CEO: 9/10
Company Overall: 7/10
Meapinator101, CEO of Rocket Investments.
We hope you can get advice from us. It won't hurt to try and it is obviously free. free+good advice+no risk=Rocket Investments
Launch Your Career to Extravagant Heights.
~Meapinator101, Ceo of Rocket Investments
Last edited by Meapinator101 (2012-06-23 17:16:05)
Ummmm anything about Serpentine Twilight?
angelica101 wrote:
Ummmm anything about Serpentine Twilight?
Yes about that, is serpintine twilight a scratch collab? Do you have your own website/forum? I need something to advertise. Please contact us on our main forums for now.
It's a band...
angelica101 wrote:
It's a band...
I know....check your main forums
We are know offering Music,comments,logos, and art!
We are now doing a logo and art shoppe
I got it! No one is coming here for logo and siggys because they look through the requests forum and click on whatever says 'Signature or logo shop' in the title. We should make a different thread just for logos and siggys. A thread by RP, not RI. And it should include 'Logo and signature shop' in the title.
changed the name
I am putting together a shop directory do you want to be in it?