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#1 2012-06-15 18:48:04

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+


A conlang for my novel.


Ae (AH-AY)- the
Aeithaier (AH-EH-THA-I-ER) – foolish, unlearned
Aelsiàn (AH-ELL-SEE-AHN) - Wolf
Aelthaen (AH-EL-THA-AY-EN) - knowledge, know, learned, wise
Aen (AY-ENN) - You, your
Aeth (AYTH) - She, her, girl
Ai (AY) - Ah, Oh, Hey! expression of surprise or fear, also similar to Oi!  in British English, most commonly used as a short hello, like “Hi!”, used also as a short ‘yes’.
Alean (ALL-EE-AHN) – and
Aleanatei (ALL-EE-AN-AH-TAY) - sun, light
Aleathanein (ALL-EE-AH-THA-NEEN) - Please
Aleianein (ALL-EE-AH-NEEN) - Hello
Aletan (ALL-ET-AYN) - Go
Amen (AH-MEYN) - live, life
Àmon-teoi (AH-MUN TEE-OY) - Are bound, bound, plural
Ān (AHN) – we, us, our
Anein (AH-NEEN) - Spirit
Arethanetaoiel (ARE-THAN-EE-TAH-OO-EL) - death, afterlife, the Heaven of Immortaia.
Ath (AHTH) - if
-ath (AHTH) - Suffix, means the same as –ing or –ed, for example ‘Eanonielath’ would be “conquered”.
Atha (AHH-THA) - Father, dad
Athē (AH-THEY)- king, ruler, lord 
Athealea (AH-THEE-ALL-EE-AH) - Immortaian planet, the Earth of Darkness, also means “beautiful” in both Erirvien and the ancient language of the Darksilvens of Raethenien.
Atheanein (AH-THEY-AH-NEEN) - will
Athen (AH-THEN) –dark energy
Atheonan (AH-THEY-OH-NAHN) - Sorry.
Den (DEEN) –‘this’, ‘that’, sometimes ‘the’
Eaerthanein (EE-ER-THA-NEEN) - clean, cleansed, cleanse
Eanoniel (EE-AHN-OH-EE-ELL) - rule, ruling, power, conquer.
Eathanenan (EE-AH-THE-EN-NAN) - hear
Elathan (EE-LAH-THAN)- Youth, young
Elestrothonien (EH-LEH-STROH-THO-NEE-EN) – Land, world.
Enanen (EE-NAH-NEN) - to, too
Enantheanethel (EE-NAHN-THEY-AHN-EH-THEL) – with, along
Eshuael (EH-SHOO-AH-ELL) – Silver
Estal (ES-TAHL) - Good, well, allright
Estalo (ESS-TALL-OH) – good bye.
Ethal (EE-THALL) – Can
Ethan (EE-THAN) – Trust, trusted, trusting
Ethealetha (EE-THEE-ALL-AH-THA) - Love
Ethenan (EE-THEE-NAHN) - trust
Ethenathen (EE-THEN-AH-THEN) – peace, peacefully
Faelthan (FAL-THA-AN) – now, soon
Falethan (FALL-AY-THAN) - going, go, went, goes.
Hāelthiar (HA-ELTH-EE-AR) - Darkness, Dark
-I (EE) - Plural ending, maiealeai would be “forests”.
Īn (EEN) - I, Me, My, I’m, myself
Kathanenthan (KAH-THE-NEHN-THAN) – kill, killing, die, death, dead, dies.
Kharzack (KAR-ZAK) - Industrialized, mechanical, faux. This is not an Erirvien word, for there is no reason for it to be made, because on Athealea there is no mechanization. This word is created from the chants of Xraks.
Maiealean (MAEY-EE-AHL-EE-AN) - forest, wood
Naen (NAH-EEN) - What
Nahn (NAH-HEEN) - be
Nathein (NAH-THEEN) - why
Nathenan (NAH-THEN-AHN) - back
Neain (NEE-AYN) - No
Neianan (NEE-AH-NAN) - deep, thick
Nein (NEEN) - shall, will, from
Neinanath (NEE-NAH-AHTH) - continue
Nelainan (NEE-LA-EE-NAN) - Stay
Nenanatethan (NEE-NAH-TAY-THON) - made, make, create
Nethalatei (NEH-THAH-LAH-TAY) –True
Nethanenan  (NEH-THA-THEY-NAN) – end, stop
Raethenien (RAH-THEN-NEEN) - Shadow-fire
Sōen taer (SOH-EN TAY-ER) - came, come
Talethan (TALL-EE-THEN) – Where
-tān (TAHN) - Common name ending.
Tathaleik (TAH-THA-LEEK) - Human
Tatheionan (TAH-THEE-OH-NAN) - enough
Tatheon (TAH-THEY-ON) - bad
Tatheothiar (TAH-THEY-OH-THEE-ARE) - The spiritual form of Hāelthiar.
Teah (TEE-AH) - He, him, boy
Teanien (TEE-AHN-EE-EN) - bless, blessed
Teatheir (TEE-ATH-ERR) - Up, Get up
Teoi (TEE-OY) – are, is, in, of, am, by
Teou (TEE-OOH) - bound, bind
Tethanein (TEH-THA-NEEN) – silence, silent, quiet
Tethanen (TAY-THA-NEHN) – struggle, fight
Tethanenan (TETH-AIN-EY-NAHN) - Idiot, stupid.
Tethanenathen (THE-THA-NEN-AH-THEN)- happy, proud
Tethaonan (TETH-AY-OH-NAHN) - Thank you, it’s okay.
Teyathanen (TAY-ATH-AH-NEYN) - Similar to “goodnight”.
Teyather (TAY-ATH-ER) - Light, also the light-demons of the Xaratulhim, the Xraks (teyather) that serve Xaratulik, Lord of Light.
Thaeń (THA-AYN) - whence, which, when, where
Thain (THAHN) - Yes
Thainen (THAI-NEEN) - How
Thalenon (THA-LAY-NAHN) - separated, divided, divide, separate
Thanenathen (THA-NAY-NAH-THEN) – Sleep, rest
Tharatueilen (THA-RAH-TOO-EE-IL-EN) - Standing
Theinan (THEE-NAHN) - may, can
Thenathen (THE-NAH-THEN)- guide, guided, guiding
Thenien (THE-NEEN) – Fire, burning
Tuieashael (TOO-EE-AH-SHA-ELL) – Darksilver, Darksilven
Tūiel (TOO-EE-ELL) - Shadow, Shaded, Shade
Y (EE) – and



#2 2012-06-15 20:33:47

Registered: 2009-09-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien



the the the the the



#3 2012-06-15 21:18:09

Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

And every word starts with, what, one of, uh, 6 letters?

I'm glad to think that the community will always be kind and helpful, the language will always be a fun and easy way to be introduced into programming, the motto will always be: Imagine, Program, Share - Nomolos



#4 2012-06-15 21:21:15

Registered: 2012-01-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

That looks interesting.



#5 2012-06-15 23:11:22

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

soupoftomato wrote:

And every word starts with, what, one of, uh, 6 letters?




#6 2012-06-15 23:12:56

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

jslomba wrote:






#7 2012-06-16 02:34:33

Registered: 2011-06-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

Why are you making up a language for your novel? But anyway cool  smile



#8 2012-06-16 08:55:42

Registered: 2008-01-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

Interesting, but does it have roots?  I personally think that too many people just come up with random words, assign them to random English words, and that's that.  At least, I think that an alphabet should be invented first, which can be a huge advantage; a lack of a certain sound, like 'th' in Japanese, can be extremely helpful.  Also, certain pronunciation rules can be outstandingly useful; perhaps something similar to Japanese rendaku, in which the first consonant of a syllable not in the beginning of the word to become finalized.  In a simpler alternative, they could simply be converted into the alternative that requires the vocal chords (don't know the name; things like 'd' for 't', 'g' for 'c', and 'b' for 'p').  One last thing, if each letter was a combination of two: a consonant and a vowel, that would be quite an advantage.  This would also cause each word to end in a vowel.

Nice language, and I'm not here to tell you to rewrite it.



#9 2012-06-16 09:03:58

Registered: 2012-03-11
Posts: 100+

Re: Erirvien

Interesting, indeed.
You might want to add that word guide to your book, so everyone can understand it. I'm sure you were already planning to do so.
Excellent work!  wink

Check out my Pokemon Emerald Version Playthrough!



#10 2012-06-16 12:52:20

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

maxskywalker wrote:

Interesting, but does it have roots?  I personally think that too many people just come up with random words, assign them to random English words, and that's that.  At least, I think that an alphabet should be invented first, which can be a huge advantage; a lack of a certain sound, like 'th' in Japanese, can be extremely helpful.  Also, certain pronunciation rules can be outstandingly useful; perhaps something similar to Japanese rendaku, in which the first consonant of a syllable not in the beginning of the word to become finalized.  In a simpler alternative, they could simply be converted into the alternative that requires the vocal chords (don't know the name; things like 'd' for 't', 'g' for 'c', and 'b' for 'p').  One last thing, if each letter was a combination of two: a consonant and a vowel, that would be quite an advantage.  This would also cause each word to end in a vowel.

Nice language, and I'm not here to tell you to rewrite it.

Yes, it has structure and roots. It's designed so that, in normal structure of a sentence, the end vowel lines up with the start vowel in the next sentence.There are rules for sentence structure, as teoi means are, is, in, of, am, it and by, so if you were saying a sentence with 'is in' in it, it wouldnt be teoi teoi, it would be teoi.

The roots, however, are hard to pick out, as one word means multiple things (no, I was not being lazy, I wanted it that way)

Last edited by wolvesstar97 (2012-06-16 14:28:13)



#11 2012-06-16 14:28:39

Registered: 2011-08-31
Posts: 1000+

Re: Erirvien

SiLeNtScRaTcH wrote:

Interesting, indeed.
You might want to add that word guide to your book, so everyone can understand it. I'm sure you were already planning to do so.
Excellent work!  wink

Yeah, I am. Thanks!
I'm gonna make an appendicies, like in LOTR, and this will be in it.

Last edited by wolvesstar97 (2012-06-16 14:29:12)



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