I have an idea to promote people's projects, and make the Scratch website much more interesting.
I got this idea off Wikipedia.
It's a "Random project" button. When a website visitor clicks it, then it jumps to a random project. That would work a bit like "Surprise projects" bar, except even more random.
I think that would help to promote EVERYONE'S projects, and make the website more attractive, as every time it could lead to something new!
I hope you like my idea.
Interesting idea... but, to add my own two cents: how about having a random user button, so viewers can randomly view a different user's page each time? That could help create more exposure.
cheddargirl wrote:
Interesting idea... but, to add my own two cents: how about having a random user button, so viewers can randomly view a different user's page each time? That could help create more exposure.
That's a great idea! That would give projects EVEN more visits!
coolstuff wrote:
It's a great idea, but I don't really see why we would need it seeing as you can already do it with "Suprise Projects."
Yeah, but the difference is that Surprise projects upload once in a while, and Random project would ALWAYS lead to something new.