You know that "url" bbcode? well, I thought it would be fun to make links to OK websites or projects, except give really weird names for them. RICK ROLLING OR DUCK ROLLING IS ALLOWED!!!!!! Here is an example: (weird name here)
What are you making or creating here other than links, which count as "force-fitting", where I come from?
stevetheipad wrote:
What are you making or creating here other than links, which count as "force-fitting", where I come from?
this was the best place I could find for this, and you could be making PROJECTS or maybe even your own WEBSITES! What's "force fitting"?
The Making and Creating forum is for sharing things you create outside of Scratch like art, music, stories, etc. If a topic doesn't really well into the forum, please don't try to forcefully fit a topic into that section.