I use Intel Ivybridge i7 Quad core, 8GB Ram, GTX550TI
and I just added Intel 330 SSD 120GB as a main hard drive.
and scratch is still slow when I use complicated codes
Will you consider some update that will speed scratch up, such as multi core support?
jvvg// This problem happens when I program with offline scratch program
I tried with Macbook Late 2010 model, and two Intel Sandybridge laptops.
They had shown similar speed problems.
jvvg wrote:
You could try enabling turbo mode.
Go to Edit>Set single stepping>Turbo.
scimonster/ it did not solve the problem
however, i will try to upload video on youtube this weekend to explain
I think he's talking about the block editor. Turbo mode will do nothing to speed up the block editor.
I find the block editor totally slow when the scripts start to get long.
And, the 2.0 block editor that we were shown was even slower than the normal one. If the real 2.0 released block editor is the same speed as shown, I doubt that I'll be making any more games. It's THAT bad.
Hm. When I was making my 1S1S Pong, it took about two hours longer than it should've done, simply because of the amount of times the long script caused Scratch to become unresponsive.
(If BoltBait's correct and you're on about actually editing scripts, that is).