I am creating a website, swfscratch.tk. It's not yet hosted, but Scratch SWF is a website where you will be able to upload .swf files and share them with the community. If anyone is interested in helping out, don't bother to ask. I'll have screenshots up in a bit.
The color scheme is teal and white
Homepage: Done, but is highly subject to change
Community Guidelines: Done
Upload Engine: 10%
General projects layout site: 5%
Forums: 0%
Profile and communication: 0%
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-06-13 16:49:34)
I'll help out. Is it all HTML? Or is it PHP?
Awesome! Is it like Mod Share? Is it approved by Scratch?
alldaykade28471 wrote:
I'll help out. Is it all HTML? Or is it PHP?
Lot's of JavaScript and HTML, some PHP, probably no CSS. I'm using JavaScript to make up for my lack of CSS knowledge.
Ecliptic wrote:
That'll be interesting! Are you coding the website yourself?
Yeah, but help is welcome. I have really impressed myself with the visuals, I'm kind of stumped on how I'm going to do the uploader
chanmanpartyman wrote:
Ecliptic wrote:
That'll be interesting! Are you coding the website yourself?
Yeah, but help is welcome. I have really impressed myself with the visuals, I'm kind of stumped on how I'm going to do the uploader
Yeah, that'll be the most difficult part.
stevetheipad wrote:
Awesome! Is it like Mod Share? Is it approved by Scratch?
A lot like mod share, except it uploads swf's. It's not approved by Scratch and the domain isn't made yet. As soon as it points to the nameservers I'm asking for it to be approved.
Ecliptic wrote:
chanmanpartyman wrote:
Ecliptic wrote:
That'll be interesting! Are you coding the website yourself?
Yeah, but help is welcome. I have really impressed myself with the visuals, I'm kind of stumped on how I'm going to do the uploader
Yeah, that'll be the most difficult part.
I'm probably going to use w3schools for some help on that. I know JavaScript, but I have no idea how to do that.
chanmanpartyman wrote:
Ecliptic wrote:
That'll be interesting! Are you coding the website yourself?
Yeah, but help is welcome. I have really impressed myself with the visuals, I'm kind of stumped on how I'm going to do the uploader
Anyway, it's certainly an interesting idea. And may I ask why you're naming it "scratchswf"?
SciTecCf wrote:
Looking forward to it.
A .sb --> .swf would also be really nice.*Hint Hint*
It's not a conversion, it's just like a Flash Scratch, like newgrounds except more associated with Scratch.
EDIT: Oh, okay. I get it... I feel stupid
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-06-12 10:35:18)
slinger wrote:
chanmanpartyman wrote:
Ecliptic wrote:
That'll be interesting! Are you coding the website yourself?
Yeah, but help is welcome. I have really impressed myself with the visuals, I'm kind of stumped on how I'm going to do the uploader
Anyway, it's certainly an interesting idea. And may I ask why you're naming it "scratchswf"?
I dunno, I was really planning on just sharing it with the Scratch Community so it could still be a safe site (and still moderated). And swf is a flash file, so Scratch SWF Scratch Flash sounded too cheesy.
nama wrote:
Oh buoy! now I'll have a place to put my animutations!
Yep! Do you animate with Adobe Flash?
I am using all adobe products for this site. Adobe Flash for tests, Dreamweaver for convenience (I already know HTML, it is just easier to only have to type </ and it closes it for you and other stuff ) and Fireworks for it's intended use, website design
Flashing wrote:
dot tk? Do you really want it to close as soon as it gets 500 unique visitors?
Lol, modshare.tk has over 1000 unique visitors. I'm willing to take the chance, it's a free domain name without a subdomain.
Flashing wrote:
Maybe, if you get 499 unique visitors in a day, it could close for a day.
I'm sure there is a legitimate reason all of the dot.tk domains close down. When I registered my first, I noticed the expiration date. Plus, you can go to sites like veufhekdhj.tk and efjvbdshbcfhdf.tk and it brings up ads or search bars (those were both randomly typed).
Last edited by chanmanpartyman (2012-06-12 13:59:28)
Sounds like an amazing project! Be sure that you're following all the Scratch guidelines and pledging your site in the announcements thread though!
I was going to move this over to Advanced Topics, since that's where projects like this usually go as it gets them more feedback and attention but it seems to be doing well here too. Where would you like it?
sparks wrote:
Sounds like an amazing project! Be sure that you're following all the Scratch guidelines and pledging your site in the announcements thread though!
I was going to move this over to Advanced Topics, since that's where projects like this usually go as it gets them more feedback and attention but it seems to be doing well here too. Where would you like it?
Here please. I believe I reported the topic to be moved. But yet, I am going to try my hardest to make it follow the guidelines. As it starts out, I will be the only moderator, but if it gets more popular I will set up a thread for it.
The site isn't pointing to the nameservers yet, so it isn't accessible to anyone but me, but once it is available I will register it on the thread.
rookwood101 wrote:
I have had a dot.tk domain with over 800 views in one day and it hasn't been shut down.
[Click for bigger version]
That would shut XenoK right up He hates .tk because he thinks it's a scam
rookwood101 wrote:
I have had a dot.tk domain with over 800 views in one day and it hasn't been shut down.
[Click for bigger version]
Also, that is a VERY impressive site. Did you do the graphics yourself?