Need help with scripting for your games?
Look no further!
Just ask what you need help with in a reply below, and I'll construct a project with a solution and provide a link to it!
If you would like to be a part of this workshop as my math mentor and you're good with mathematical scripting/arrays, please feel free to comment asking to join, as I'm sure a lot of requests will be math related.
If you're good with graphics, you're more than welcome to be a part of this workshop, as graphics are a key part of any game!
* Main: Zparx (me)
* Graphics: (no one yet)
* Math: (no one yet)
zammer990 wrote:
Help with scripts is more where you post your problems to get quick fixes, this should either be in requests or collab, read the forum descriptions
The description for this forum is "Need help with your Scratch project? Ask here!" I'm helping people with their scripts. I read the descriptions and understand them just fine. Thanks.
17zhuor wrote:
I think you remember me from before. I posted the project on my account now. Thanks again!
Right! I'm working on the project right now, and when I'm finished, I'll upload it for you. OR, if you'd like, I could send it to you via email that way it doesn't say "based off of zparx's project"
I have three problems. I hope I am not annoying you, and not to rush you but I really want to get this done. :\
1. When the timer variable is counting down and you click another choice the timer starts going at random numbers like before you fixed it again.
2. If I want to switch to a background that says "second level" when they get the correct answer, how do I do that?
3. Lastly, if the timer runs out how do I switch to a screen that says "Game Over"?