We should have a Crime and Punishment section. If any of you have been to ipodtouchfans.com, they have one, too. Mods/Admins but all Bans/Warnings in that section to make people realize more whatever they did was wrong. Only Mods/Admins can post there. Check it out. http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=122
I thought they just E-mailed the person who did the bad action. I think it's enough already
fruit wrote:
No, because it:
B) Makes punishment for embarrassing, keeping the person from doing it again.
The problem with using public humiliation is that people can abuse the forum; users listed in that forum can be constantly cyber-bullied her on this site once they get on the list. I think a private warning is enough.
cheddargirl wrote:
fruit wrote:
No, because it:
B) Makes punishment for embarrassing, keeping the person from doing it again.The problem with using public humiliation is that people can abuse the forum; users listed in that forum can be constantly cyber-bullied her on this site once they get on the list. I think a private warning is enough.
I've gotten several private warnings (only one for bad behaviour). I'd hate to be humiliated in front of the entire world about it - which was a joke I played on my friend, I got banned for it. (This was way back in my early days)
Last edited by coolstuff (2009-05-27 20:26:50)