Hello, I am posing another topic here because well, i need help xD. I am after a script that will allow a sprite to gain speed and force while falling in the air to launch another sprite of off a kind of 'see-saw', i am planning to do this using vertical scrolling, i understand scrolling, but it is the terminal velocity and actually how to transfer he weight of the falling sprite onto the second sprite to launch it in the air. Quite complicated yes, but i am quite desperate for this XD. I have searched through 'scratch wiki' but have found nothing!
Thanks a heap!
Dan Jones
For something like this, you will need variables, and know how to use the variables to get this done. It is a bit complicated, so I don't have the time to write it out here, but you will basically need to have the variable controlling your speed, and then translate that into motion on the other end of the lever.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/A__B__3 … _T/2406600
This is a project that teaches how to create a max velocity...hopefully this helps.
Could you just use conservation of momentum and set the velocities equal the correct numbers whenever both sprites touch the see-saw?
velocity of launching sprite = ((mass of landing sprite) x (velocity of landing sprite)) / (mass of launching sprite)