I want to make a game that is simulating middle school, and I want people to randomly walk around and "mingle" if you will, sometimes go off the sreen and come back. How!?
please help me!!! answer!!
this question may shock you, WHY are the views rising, and NOT THE REPLIES!
While your walking...
when flag clicked change y by (pick random (1) to (5)You could use color sensing, if it goes off the screen it will go back to the main place
when flag clicked forever if <touching color [color of ground]?> go to x: (0) y: (0) end end
It's kinda hard, try this (it'll probably be glitchy but I'll try my best
when gf clicked show go to x: (pick random [-240] to [240]) y: (pick random [-180] to [180]) forever turn cw (pick random [-90] to [90]) degrees repeat until <touching [edge v] ?> move (10) steps if on edge, bounce end hide wait (pick random [0] to [10]) secs showYou will need to create multiple sprites such as these. In scratch 2.0 it will be easier as you can just clone 1 sprite. This script may not be (and probably isn't) perfect do a bit of tweaking may be needed
Last edited by PhirripSyrrip (2012-06-07 20:07:02)
Randomness_Player wrote:
While your walking...
when flag clicked change y by [5] // You could replace 5 into another number or just use the pick random blockYou could use color sensing, if it goes off the screen it will go back to the main placewhen flag clicked forever if <touching color [color of ground]?> go to x: (0) y: (0) end end
Fixed my scripts...
also did I made a mistake on double posting?
PhirripSyrrip wrote:
It's kinda hard, try this (it'll probably be glitchy but I'll try my best
when gf clicked show go to x: (pick random [-240] to [240]) y: (pick random [-180] to [180]) forever turn cw (pick random [-90] to [90]) degrees repeat until <touching [edge v] ?> move (10) steps if on edge, bounce end hide wait (pick random [0] to [10]) secs showYou will need to create multiple sprites such as these. In scratch 2.0 it will be easier as you can just clone 1 sprite. This script may not be (and probably isn't) perfect do a bit of tweaking may be needed
Thank you VERY much this was helpful
Try this:
forever glide (1) secs to x <pick random between (-200) to (200)> y <pick random between (-150) to (150) end