Each person can also get an art request! I might close them after a while, though. If I get too much.
I am making an art project (to showcase my art) but I need more pieces! I don't know what to draw/paint, so I am asking you people. I will probably take any (serious) ideas.
Don't look at my projects to see what type of things I like to draw. I'm trying a different style with the new thing I'm making, so ALL ideas are welcome.
Anyways, thank you so much.
Last edited by humhumgames (2012-06-07 12:58:41)
Wait- does this belong in Requests or Project Ideas?
Not on a 100 pixel canvas, but yes, I'll try a realistic polar and panda bear.
You should draw an emo couple ^3^ ... I think they're cute hehe ^.^
Do you have a pair of boot's? That sounds really weird but oh well. I was bored and wanted to draw, so i drew my boots and they actually have loads of detail.
Kinda weird suggestion but...
Awesome ideas, guys!
@Jupitar, no, but I will be glad to see.
Oh, this is wonderful! I'd like to see you draw Hatsune Miku with Kagamine Rin and Len, please! And maybe more Vocaloid or Utauloid characters if you want to! :3