It is a third person shooter game. It is based on 1) Gun skill 2) Strategy- you can see the whole map so you can anticiplate the enemies movements and what you should do to counter them. It features a customization system, where you can choose two weapons to carry from a list of about 10, and you can use 8 Upgrades to give your guy more skills.
You can select 1 upgrade from each tier. Upgrades are unlocked by completing specific challenges e.g. Complete 3 missions with the SPRINT upgrade.
Tier 1- Weapon+ Equipment Tier
Medic- Spawn with 2 medkits instead of 1
Aim- Less recoil
Demolitions- Increased grenade damage on infantry, makes grenades effective to tanks.
Frag- Spawn with 3 frag grenades instead of 1
Tier 2- Character Tier
Sprint- Move faster
Support- Call in air support with 100 points less than normal( I will mention air support later)
Ninja- Harder to detect for tanks (reduces the number of shells and bullets they fire your way)
Flak- Increased explosive resistance (reduces noob tube +tank shell damage by 50%)
Air Support
You can also select 1 piece of air support to assist in completing your mission. Support reduces the number of points needed for the air support by 100. Air support can be earned multiple times in a mission.
100 Points are awarded for a kill
150 Points are awarded for destroying a tank
200 points are awarded for an objective (e.g. arming a bomb on the target)
500 Points- Predator Missile: Missile strike. You designte the location of it.
700 Points- Supply Airdrop: Airdrop which contains 1 extra medkit and 2 frags. (You have unlimited bullet ammo anyway)
900 Points- Airstrike: More powerful version of the Predator missile
1100 Points- Chopper Gunner: Controllable helicopter. You fire a gun at enemies, lasts for 20-30 seconds( Havent decided yet)
1500 Points- AC130: Gunship with loads of guns. An AI gunner will shoot enemies with the 40mm cannon. You can designate locations for the 105mm cannon to hit.
If you have any suggestions for this system, please state them in a reply. I am working on a way to balance all the guns in the game. If you have any air support ideas, or Upgrade ideas, or ideas for the actual gameplay, I would like to hear them. I have a beta (of sorts) already posted on scratch, but there is no weapon cusomisation system in that at all.