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#1 2007-12-04 16:07:47

Scratch Team at MIT
Registered: 2007-03-05
Posts: 1000+

Our website potentially used to artificially inflate web traffic

Update: We contacted the website and the person who runs it was very nice and removed the link to our website.


I found this website that lists our website as a way to post links to other websites to artificially increase traffic. The reason why our website is so valuable for these internet marketers is probably because Google gives higher ranking to websites linked from .edu websites like ours.

I am not sure if most of you are familiar with the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but in SEO experts are really good at finding loopholes on the web to get more attention than they normally deserve, or at least that's my impression.

I think this is a dishonest way of increasing traffic and I am mostly worried that Internet marketers could start using the Scratch website to posting links to their sites. If you suspect someone is doing this please report it.

Also, try to minimize the use of links to other sites. Linking to your blog about Scratch or linking to the URL of your school or resources useful to create Scratch projects is also OK. But it is not OK to link to totally unrelated sites. Sometimes it is difficult to know when it's not OK, but we'll be conservative and remove those suspicious links.

Thanks everyone.

Andres Monroy-Hernandez | Scratch Team at the MIT Media Lab
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